Greetings all from Rainy Lake……Land of BIG fish, and small crowds. Actually this year I’ve seen an increase in angling activity which is nice to see. Everytime I’m in the One Stop shop I’m about 4th in line for bait. Nice to see anglers are wetting a line on this magnificent fishery. As you likely know we’re just coming out of a 2 week deep freeze which packed some inches on to our ice base, and had anglers hands pretty close to the Mr. Heater. We’ve been fortunate enough to ice a number of big fish with eaters mixed in for the frying pan.
As temperatures drop and we experience drastic pressure changes fish will get a little “Moody”. When fishing conditions like this it is imperative to read your Marcum, and try best interpret what the fish are reacting to. I found this past week I had better success with a 1/8 oz. H20 Precision jig in a natural color base fished with a smaller shiner. Working 2 rods I would OF COURSE tease fish with the Lightning/Vertiglo 1/8 oz. spoon with a minnow head or smaller fathead, and then swim the jig and shiner a foot or two higher in the water column. Over the past few days that jig and minnow has suffered some devasting blows by angry fish.
As we enter into the middle portion of January fish will continue to re-locate amongst schooling baitfish. Larger predator fish will be circling the schools with deeper haunts to fall back to. Ideally anglers will locate themselves on top of feeding shelves and drop off with the fish as they make their daily movements weather permitting. Often times when Jack Frost nips at your Finger and toes anglers opt for the comfort of the heated Otter houses………Can’t say I blame them!!
I often get the question of when is the BEST time to come to Rainy Lake for Ice Fishing. That really is a tough question to answer. Weather plays a large role in fish activity on whatever body of water you dangle your minnow. Rainy Lake is no different. Consistent weather during your trip will often times pay large dividends while massive fronts might alter fish activity or movements during your stay. I’d say fishing Rainy Lake is darn good all winter, but you’ll need to fish different structure as the year progresses. If you can stay mobile especially as our season progresses you’ll find yourself smiling for a lot of IDO Photo Shots!! Keeping it “Reel” in “ManLand” Come on up…Tighten down your Drag, and DO NOT forget your camera!!We’ve got he heat on in the permanents for ya!!
you are truley blessed with your back yard playground !!
thanks for the report and , as i’m sure you will….
Keep’m Comm’n !!
Nice report and great pics Chris

Awesome report and pictures Chris!
those are some giants!

Chris, We had a great time fishing with you. Michael enjoyed the one on one tutoring you provided and informed me how “Chris says, you have to “give ’em the beans” when they hit. Look forward to seeing you in July!
Nuff’ said…
Awesome report Mr. Daze
You are the man Michael…good job givin’ them the beans
Wow, nice fish and report.
Way to go Michael
I like that “give em the beans” 
I always enjoy fishing with kids especially with the passion Michael has. He was very intent as we gazed at the Marcum. I told him these aren’t little sunfish up here Pal!! If you get hit you need to “Give them the Beans!!” He is an excellent student of the game!! Look out boys This kids is going to be a stick in a few years!!