First of all MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!! Hope this fishing report finds all of you and yours in good health, and looking forward to your upcoming fishing trip!! May your stockings be stuffed with Lightning spoons, and may the big box in the Garage be that Otter Lodge or Solo auger. May that smaller square box in the back corner of the tree be a new Marcum LX-5, and the envelope hanging on the branches a gift certificate to fish with Rainydaze Guide Service this next season!! The Jolly man with the white beard has given an early Christmas present of clear ice early in the season here in borderland. We’re winding out our sleds with the otters trying to keep up while putting the beatdown on BRUISER FISH!! The now 4-6 inches of powder snow makes this winter wonderland tranquil backdrop for guests wilderness walleye adventures. Early in the season bigger fish remain transitioning, and often times relating to shallow water shoals and/or current breaks. Finding both often times doubles an anglers success!! This year we’ve had our best success fishing more of a gentle clay flat area just off the edge of a slight 1-2 foot drop pushing current. I expect this pattern to change in the coming days as the fish begin to locate themselves in traditional January haunts.
This year I have implemented the LX-I into our game plan, and so far it has been a worthy investment. This handheld depth sounding device used in conjunction with our Lakemaster chip has proved very efficient in uncovering the underwater puzzle. Understanding what your LOOKING for in early season structure is one thing while dropping your house SPOT ON is another. BTW If you run across a “Fuzzy Math” equation handwritten in the fresh fallen snow you might want to fish in that spot!! I like to draw out the depths of an area to visualize exactly how the structure lays out. Understanding current flow coupled with these pertinent depth soundings allows an angler to efficiently place his Otter on the key feeding areas while minimizing auger work and noise. Remember if fishing shallow water structure to not bring the pigskin to toss around. You will displace the bigger fish from an area with too much tailgating, so get that out of your system at home in the backyard with the chillins. We’ve had our best success dropping down on what I would consider the highway in and out to that structure much the same as a deer hunter attempts to pattern deer. Understanding how fish will likely relate, and/or access each piece of structure will increase your odds in putting the ducer over them!!
Once set up in what we deem as the best location I’m paying close attention to my Marcum for baitfish flash-ins. Yes I absolutely want that big red blob to charge my lightning spoon like an angry elephant, but I’m also very interested if the baitfish are present to attract the biggest and baddest. If I’m not seeing thin lines moving in and out periodically the Daze Camp will be in the 10 minute drill packing up the sleds, and moving on. Making the assumption that the fish are eating…….IF the buffet is empty most SMART FISH will be locating themselves where the eating is Good!! Play the odds, and assume Trophy class fish will locate the pods of baitfish.
So your here……Your on the structure……….Your Marking baitfish……..AND NOW WALLEYES!! “Hey GUYS…..I’VE GOT FISH ON THE SCREEN” Lastly you need to send in the closer!! I’m tying on a 1/8 oz. Lightning spoon right now in a glow pattern. I’m not a trial and error guy when all the work has been done to get on a big fish. I’m working my confidence presentation like my next meal depends on it!! I’m “Ripping” a minnow in half and cutting it up the belly for increased scent and action while jigging. Working this spoon correctly is critical to success. The Lightning spoon has a nice bend in it that creates a wobble when falling. Think all spoons work the same……You are definately mistaken. Ask my buddy Doug who continues to try outproduce the ole faithfull!! Working that spoon up and down a few feet off the bottom will attract fish to your area. Jig it upwards and let it fall. Cat and mousing that fish into attacking that bait will have you posing with PB’s all year!! Get after them team, and we look forward to sharing the ice with all of you this season!!
Few more Stocking Stuffers!! Congrats Team!!
Nice fish Chris. Very nice fish!
All I want for Christmas is a Rainy Lake trip
Someone please show this post to my wife
Awesome read and job on the ice Mr. G

Hey Bret, Michael and I are heading up to see Chris on Saturday! Next year you’re coming with! Chris, Keep on those fish until Saturday, Michael needs another PB from Rainy Lake!
Had a great time Daze Man doing some venturing out. Very cool to be out in some of those places and not see a soul around
Thanks for not showing my pirate posing picture. If you do I “ll have to show the turkey
See ya soon
LOL!! Looking forward it boys, and we’ll do our best!!
Andy……Don’t think for a second I’m not going to post the one eyed Pirate pose!! LOL!! Just thinking of something creative to get the most attention for ya!!
Now as far as the GOBBLE GOBBLE…..You might want to consult with the Great OZ of the sight!!

I’ll be out this evening once again breaking some new ground in unchartered territory. Of course those outings aren’t always all that productive, but thats the only way I know of uncovering UNTAPPED hot bites. LEG WORK
Thats What I’m telling Cher Bear anyway!! 
Oh…..Talked to Laura at the One Stop Shop while picking up some Christmas presents, and she mentioned that they will be getting a new order of shiners today!! YEAH!! They are really decked out with Ice tackle and gear this year! KUDOS!!