Lake Puckaway Wi. fish kill report.

The meeting with the DNR was last night and was a very informational one at that. The main topic was about the fish count and estamated dead fish of the kill off. The cause of the kill was the fish were held in the holding pens too long and the number of fish in a small area were killing the fish.The dead and dying fish were 35 percent game fish and 65 per cent rough fish. The types of fish were sheephead, carp, whitebass, walleye, catfish and northern. The estamated walleye that were dead was 1758 to 1911 dead walleyes, dead whitebass were 1560 – 1919, dead northern pike were 149 – 162, balck crappie was 66 -78 dead, catfish was 435 – 483 dead. The ages of the fish were from 2 year old up to 13 year old walleyes.

There were 2 groups of commercial fisherman from the states of Ohio and Minn. They did not have the man power to take care of that many fish at once. These people are contracted by the DNR to remove carp. there is always some fish that die when doing the netting but this was the worst its ever been seen. The carp removal has been going on since the 50,s I was told last night.

The Dnr are going to do a survey in the spring to get a handle on the populations of the lake . They have aged the fish that were were dead and did their best at trying to come up with a count. They have also tested the fish for VHS and no fish showed up yet with the VHS desease whish more results will be found out in 30 days from more testing results as they come in.

I have put one pic of the Dnr report of dead fish estamates. The pic will have to be clicked on to see the results better.

From Jeff

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Jeff Bennett

Been on Puckaway for 54 years and have fished it year round. Full time fishing guide specializing in walleyes and crappies.


  1. Thanks for the info Jeff.

    Those of us who can’t get over there for hearings with the DNR do appreciate the updates.

    Hopefully, this fish kill didn’t damage the overall walleye population to badly and Puckaway will be able to bounce back fairly quickly.

  2. Jeff,

    Thanks for the update. Sure looks like you lost a lot of the big fish from your system. I guess the smaller fish were able to swim through the size mesh they used. It will be interesting to see how you do ice fishing for eyes.


  3. Hi Micheal, was out last night ice fishing in my spot and had a fish come in at prime time at dark and it hit twice but just pulled the minnow off on the 2nd hit and I missed him . It was too dark to look down the hole to see what it was ,but odds were it was a walleye that time of the night. Will have more updates on the DNR reports also.

    From Jeff

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