Finally! After seemingly endless days of weather watching, short distant drive bye’s, & chasing dust bunnies with a vacuum cleaner the time came for some eagerly anticipated early ice action. I started the 09/10 hard water season off in a little known slough etched in the back waters of Pool 9. Despite the recent deep freeze late last week, springs embedded in the shore line were still open which took a lot of the guess work out of the 1st step in this particular area. I was greeted with a rather brittle layer of top ice but more than 3 inches of supportive ice hidden beneath. Packing light it did not take long to shimmy across the frozen wonderland punching a few holes along the shallow breaks along the way.
The 2lb Vanish fell off the real like slow simmered meat does from a bone. With the flick of a finger the bail was closed and the first series of jigging reps were followed with a quick THUD. The first fish of the ice season was none other than a crappie that smacked the free falling Cecil with some authority! The 2nd fish proved to be a quick reminder as to why I let the long Pulsator rods ride the pine on this trip. During the late Fall open water period I was concerned about the number of LMB lurking in the area. Easily 4 to 1 catch ratio versus crappie. Tip-ups rigged with shiners is a pretty common setup for winter folks to lure lunker bass top side in these parts but when the LMB decide to eat panfish jigs….they eat panfish jigs. A 28" medium light rod equipped with a good real is an excellent weapon of choice to even the odds, save some jigs, and eliminate retying efforts.
The LMB were a hoot to play with but not the speices of choose. If they let the Cecil alone long enough a crappie would eventually find it. Given the choice of sorting dimensionally challeged gills or lunker LMB with the crappie’s I wouldn’t have it any other way. Speaking of jigs ~ hats off the inventor of the infamous Lil Cecil. While on this day a slow free falling jigging technique proved to trump color pattern the Cecil is by far the # 1 verticle choice when it comes to this junkie!
Two & half hours later the sun had given up on me and started tucking down behind the ridge line. In all I iced 11 crappie, taking 5 home for the pan, a number of January keeper gills around the 7" mark all of which swim freely today, and countless 12" to 14" LMB with a couple of picture worthy specimens mixed in. The walk off the ice was eventless & fullfilling. Only 4 more months of this to go!
Some additional photos.
The gills have been running small on Pool 9 all season long. Winter kill three ice seasons ago is to thank for that. If you’re looking to score some gill fillets Pool 9 is not the best of choices. But if you are looking to get your rod bent Pool 9 is as good as any
hey Bossman
What colors on the Celils ? Did you notice any better presentation then another ??
No real color pattern emerged. I caught em on two tone purple/pink, orange chartreuse, glow pink, & yellow perch pattern. Didn’t try any other colors.
A controlled drop – just fast enough to keep the leaf blade microspoon dancing on the way down was more important.
Thanks for the quick reply !!
I’m interested in that yellow perch pattern…if you get a chance…could you post me a picture of it ?
Thanks !!
It great to see you are out on the ice Bosman, I’m sure it felt good
Crisp air on the cheeks and the crunching sound of creepers on the ice….it just don’t get any better than that
Thanks Bos, nice recap
Are you happy now