The crappie fishing on South Center has been nothing short of fantastic this year. I had the chance to get out a couple times before my LOTW trip and did great, but wanted to wait until I hit it a couple more times and make sure the bite wasn’t a fluke before putting up this report.
The bite is best right in the middle of the day. Most days my group will hit the ice around 11am. We start by drilling 10-20 holes in depths from 20′-50′ of water. After drilling the holes we take the FL 18’s and go looking for fish. The best depth has seemed to be 40′. We mark fish usually from 15′-35′. That’s a lot of fish! Once we find the holes with fish we set up the Otters and start fishing. The best bait has been the same as in past years, a small Swedish Pimple tipped with waxxies or eurolarvae. The most active and largest crappies seem to be the ones highest up in the school. When we drop down in the school, we get less and smaller fish. It also seems to spook the school when you rip a fish from the middle of them. We have caught fish on crappie minnows under a bobber as well, but for the most part we are only running one rod per person and catching fish one right after another. Limits of fish with all keepers over 9", with fish up to 12" common, have been caught in less than an hour! The key is mobility. If the school moves, go find them. If you sit in one spot all day, you won’t have nearly the success.
We have also been getting a few walleyes. The first couple we caught were by accident when they would take a crappie minnow set a foot or two off the bottom. Since than we have set tip ups out as our second line with a smaller fathead and pulled walleyes from 30′-50′ of water, again in the middle of the day. These have all been nice fish between 17"-24". We don’t get a limit by any means, but they are a nice bouns while catching crappies.
The evening bite has been pretty good as well. Here we set up in 12′-20′ and get both walleyes and crappies within 2 feet of the bottom. There doesn’t seem to be a real flurry, just steady action. The ice is 16" +/- and vehicles are driving all over the lake. I just wanted to thank Barry, Sean, Rich, Jim, Mark, Gretch and Becky for sharing time on the ice over the last 5 days.
Thanks for the report Mike. Good job?
Any pics of those nice 12″ crappies?
What colors have been working best for your results?
Sorry, no pics.
Someone misplaced the battery charger for the camara. Either the hammered silver or chartruse Swedish Pimple have been the best, but the biggest key I think is the waxxies. If you are marking fish you won’t wait long for a bite!
Thanks for the report. I might have to give that area a go in the coming weeks.
Any chance you put a camera down there and saw all the fish?
I haven’t put the camara down this year. When I tried in the past I couldn’t see a whole lot. I do use it when I’m shallower, clearer water. The water seems clearer than in the past, and with lack of snow, it may work well.
Have you made it out to “lake-X” yet?
I was curious on how that lake was doing.
I may be out there a fair amount in Feb. I will drop you a line and see if you got time to hook up!
I planned to hit it last thur when the wife was helping me check spots for the weekends guide trips. The problem is we never left South Center!
She was having too much fun. I walked out once, but us fat guys can’t take too much of that.
sounds like alot of fun were is south center located?
Its just past Forest Lake and Chisago on Hwy 8. Anyone not going to GTG on sat is more than welcome to join me on South Center. I’ll be guiding all weekend. Look for a purple Otter and a green Sportsman.
I may take you up on that Mike.
I’ll let you know tomorrow.
All are welcome. I plan to be at the lake at 10-11.
Is one better than the other? What do you recommend? Thanks in advance, Mike
Mike, if you don’t mind, I might be out there looking for you on Saturday. I’m still looking for a buddy with a truck, bit if I find one I will be there. Is the area you fish pretty big? I hate fishing on top of other people.
I access the lake at Sunset point. I park the truck there and than take the atv out. There is plenty of ice to drive on, I just like the atv. You can also access the lake right off Hwy 8 just past where the lake comes right up to the road on the south side. You will probably see some vehicles parked there as well.
The area is pretty big. In fact there are a lot of areas that put out fish. Because of how good the bite is, there are a lot more houses out there than normal, but you can still get away.
if anyone tries to find me, if you have a map of the lake, Sat I will be near the deep hole on the north end of the lake.
Great tip. The fishing was as advertised today. I will be there on Saturday as well. It should be a good spot to take my father and my son who are both coming in from out of state to spend the day fishing with me. Thanks
Hi Mike,
Excellent report, how late in the evening have you been catchin the crappies? I take it you prefer shallow water 10-15ft during night bite?
Good to see you out there. Better to see you with a limit to feed the family.
Tommorrow should be just as good.
Tonight is the latest I’ve stuck it out, and that was 5pm. The only reason I was that late is because I was waiting for 2 guys to show up so I could give them the lay of the land. They said they would call when they get done and I’ll post how it goes. I know from years past 10′-18′ was best with crappies and an occassional walleye. With as many houses that are on the lake, and given the locations they are at, I would assume they are getting a fair number of walleyes after dark.
I was going to put up a new report, but all I would be doing is copy, paste.
The only thing I would add is that I did get quite a few more on a minnow today. I think I had to move 3 times to stay on fish. Here’s a pic of my set up so if anyone does decide to show up tomorrow you will know what to look for. I plan to be there at 11am.
Thanks for the report Mike. I really like that area. There are some real nice lakes there and close to each other too.
Thanks, Bill
The bite today was real good, until the sun came. Once those clouds left, it got a little tough. Thanks to those that showed up. I counted 16 people. Definatly a good time.
Had a good time today Mike. Thanks for the invite. You are right on about the mid day bite. Had no problem catching close to 50 crappies this afternoon. Most went in the 6 to 9,5″ range. Not sure if it was the changing weather this after noon or just the sun starting to go down but it sure changed the crappies mood around 4pm. I dont get out on the ice to much any more but it is fun spending a afternoon playing with a good school of pan fish.
Well I’m liking all the talk about South Center Lake. Not to far from the cities either. I’m planning on possibly making a trip out there two weeks from now (end of Jan). Is that too late in the ice fishing season to catch some nice crappie and maybe a few walleye?
They bite all season, just a matter of drilling holes until you locate the school.
thanks for the help saturday mike..i had a great time..and we left with our limit of ice fishing ive had so far this season..if you wanna go with to devils lake when we go(sounds like were going in march)just let me know..i can return the favor..thanks again
Mike, thanks for the tip. I made it out on Monday and I brought home my limit. I had to sort through a lot of smaller fish. I think I was fishing right where you have been. I drilled about 10 holes before I found that solid school of fish. We had to move twice to stay on them. It is amazing how fast the flasher goes from bright red with fish to black.
If anyone wants to fish where I was, just look for the blood all over the ice. I accidentally pulled the auger up too fast and put a nice gash in my forehead
and my buddies dog cut his foot open on the ice, so there is blood all over out there.
“X” marks the spot huh. I think it’s easier to use a gps though.
With all the holes drilled, it’s going to look like a crater pretty soon out there. How high up did you mark fish?
The ice is definitely starting to look more like the surface of the moon. The highest I marked them was 10′. These fish were very willing to bite. The biggest producer was a bobber and white hook rig set at 20′. I had to hit them right away because they would not hold on to it for long. I took quite a few on a swedish pimple also.
Mike.I forgot to mention,I caught almost all my crappies on a #2 jigging rap,clown color.Your favorite lure.