What more could you ask for with a weekend in January? Above average temps, no wind, walleyes inhaling your bait and the sight of seeing two accomplished trollers pitching ringworms(Yeah, you know who you are just admit it, your hooked). It sounds like a perfect scenario for walleye fishing on the Mississippi River.
This week my trip took me out of Evert’s Resort once again. Our day started out pitching like everyday this fall/winter has. Our action started out a little slow for us this day but with an over cast morning we knew we would have good action this day. After our first move we saw instant action. In fact, 2 fish in 3 casts isn’t bad. We worked riprap and saw our first spot give up 8 walleyes. Most walleyes in the 18-22” range. This first picture is myself with a couple healthy pool 4 walleyes. After that spot had died we changed up and went and hit another piece of structure. This time we had two walleyes in two casts. This began my making of our game plan all day. We would cover all the areas we could think of to look for active fish. This day we didn’t want anything to do with the saugers, we were on a mission. We figured the saugers are always there, but when you have an over cast day it is a walleye day. I did see and hear of some nice saugers being caught with Super Doo’s.
We didn’t have any big fish to speak of this day, just lots of good eaters come to the boat. Here is Mike Jungwirth from Arcadia, WI. with his stringer of walleyes. Best time of the day for us this day was about 9:30am. It seemed someone flipped a switch and we were catching walleye about every other cast that is if you got your bait in the sweet spot. 1/16 and 1/8 jigs seemed to be the best jig size. Ringworms in the Electric blue were the best color for our type of presentation. By the days end we saw about 30 walleyes make it to the boat. All the walleye we caught this day were males. Only two of them being sub legal. Man these walleyes this time of year sure look good and full of fat. They must be eating pretty good or they are thinking what I am thinking. Lets put on a little weight this winter to make those females love us more come spring. Just think spring is just around the corner and it should even get better.
Pool 5 has opened up today. I talked with a few locals that fished it during the last warm spell. They said they did get some nice fish down river. Biggest one being about 5lb. Best presentation for them has been vertical jigging deeper wintering holes. FisherFlick jig and fireballs is what they were using. The only place you can put in right now is the Belvidere landing on County Road OO by Buffalo City. If it stays decent this week I should have a report sometime next weekend for this end. I can’t wait to get back on Pool 5.
On a last note every year I put my boat up for sale. If you are interested please email me or give me a call. Click on the link below for details. 2003 Lund for sale
Click on picture for better viewing
Good report Jarrad, have been away too long, but that will soon change. hope to get down soon. thanks Jack.
Nice report Jared. Makes me almost want to head down, almost.
Nice Report Jarhead…..I would have came but its to damn cold out there for us bass guys….
..when the temps are in the 40s you’ll see me out there chasiin those walleyes…but until then count me out….
Nice report Jarrad. Good to see you taking a kid fishing.
Now – what’s all that silly talk about a couple trollers that must of lost their way? or perhaps we (I mean those guys) were having motor trouble and was drifting and waving? Do you think the trolling Gods will buy any of this?
I must admit we had similar success with ringies and good ole hair jigs, but our bite was bettered towards evening. I dont know how hooked I am yet, but I can tell you I went through what I thought could be a lifetime supply of jigs at the rrate I was using them prior to this day. I just finished re-spolling 3 reels with some industrial cable for my next outing.
See ya on the water soon – and quite spreading nasty rumors.
Great Time on Saturday Fireflick…
You put us on some nice Walleyes – no MONSTERS but some real nice 20″ Fish so I can’t complain… As you stated many times during the day half of the battle with plastics is in the presentation and I have a lot to learn.
Hopefully come early spring I can book you for another outing. Keep the reports coming, it gives us all hope. LOL
Dear Phish Pfinder: Nice to see you boating LEGALS over the weekend.
The soft plastic training seminar has finally paid off… Your wife I’m sure was thrilled to be able to Fillet a Game Fish vs the Live Bait…
LOL in weeks to come.