As I write this report we stand at 40 degrees at about 6 am. NICE!!!! All though I didn’t ever think I’d say this……FINALLY we’re seeing the water temps drop off like a typical month of September. Once again my 16 cords of wood are starting to look a bit nervous!! Dropping water temps trigger the biggest and baddest of Rainy Lake to get ANGRY, and pose for mulititudes of pics on IDO. We’ve boated a few 27’s and 28’s, but not nearly as many as last year come this time in September. Hmnnnnnn…. That clearly indicates the best is yet to come. Boatloads of 18-25 inch fish have been commonplace, and multiple fishing applications have been productive. Our favorite technique this week was slow dragging 1/8 oz. H20 Precision jigs in the mud. Although never witnessed first hand I believe that a slow drag and twitch disturbs the bottom content enough that if held steady or dragged back in slowly can be irresistable to fish even in a negative mood. Just completing our First annual In Depth Outdoors/Rainy Lake Houseboat excursion I think it is fair to say the hottest pattern for our group was deep mud/clay. Most the guys will say the fish wanted something slow, but when presented correctly had no problem putting the SMACKDOWN on a lot of big fish!!
This time of year both the east and west portions of the lake can produce in both big numbers and big size. The fish here on Rainy move a lot from day to day, so being efficient with your graph is a key ingrediant to your days success. Depending on the time of day the fish seem to be locating themselves in different areas. Mud/gravel transition areas can be loaded with fish on a pretty consistent basis. One common denominater for most all of Rainy Lake is that if you don’t mark large pods of baitfish you will likely not mark many walleyes. Following baitfish movements, and understanding where they are going will greatly enhance your picture taking.
There is an old saying that 10% of the anglers catch 90% of the fish. I would say that has changed quite a bit with the technology in boats today, and the overall education of walleye anglers. I will say that I believe that 10% of the season produces 90% of Trophy fish. Now I’m not talking about beautiful 20-25 inch fish. I’m talking 28+. Landing fish of this magnitude with consistencey takes being on the right body of water at the right time of year, and on top of the right spots. If you can stack the deck in your favor on a consistent basis you have a very good chance of putting the beans to a freak!! I think you will see over the next week through the month of October unbelievable action for monster fish. Water temps are going to fall starting today, and those fish…….ARE GONNA GET ANGRY!! NICE!!
So……We all know that chasing our feathered friends is tough for a couple weeks. It is tad warm in the Deer stands, and there are still bugs in the woods. The shack is still looking about like it did last year. The kids are in the routine…School, Home, Sports, Homework…….. It’s an easy choice!! Fall Fishing on Rainy Lake. If the awesome fishing doesn’t hook you the pristine beauty of the area surely will. Leaves are begging to change, and Big slabs are starting to snap. We’ll see you on the water!! We’ll be the boys with the net out!! Good fall dates still available!! Lastly this years Houseboat Excursion teaming In Depth Outdoors Forces with Rainy Lake Houseboats was an unbelievable experience. I know many were unable to get their group into our limited 30 spots, but it is my understanding that we may open this up to 50-60 people next year. James, Billy and I are working on the finer details. Let me tell ya……It’g pretty exciting!! Stay tuned for the details to be released SOON!!! Oh….Ya better get your boys in line for this one!!
Great report Chris.
It was a pleasure meeting you and a pleasure to fish your beautiful home waters, Rainy Lake. You are a very luck man.
You are dead on with the clay and tansition areas. Our big thing was also locating bait and pods of walleye on the electronics before even thinking of dropping the anchor. After a couple of days the last thing Layne and I wanted to do was pull that anchor more than we needed to.
Could not of said it bettter myself Ben….

Layne Monroe
Chris, Billy and I are trying to hammer out the details this week so it won’t be long and we’ll have an announcement for you.
Great Report Chris, and super looking Walleyes,
looking forward to your Fall posts.
Nice to hear from you Jack!! Hope all is well, and your spending lots of time on the water buddy!!
Up to the minute pics!!
Uh Boys……………CRAPPIES CRAPPIES CRAPPIES!! 1st time I’ve ventured in chasing them since the beginning of June, and as our water temps drop these giant Rainy Lake Papermouths are gonna be a good time!!
We’re still shooting 70 degrees for surface water temps, but that can change in a hurry. As these temps drop the slabs will really start rolling hardcore. These crappies were averaging 12.5, but ended up with 4 at 14 inches. Trust me the 15’s and 16’s are there……..and there not safe now 
Combo trips this time of year……Priceless
Please give me just 2 more months of Fall Fishing!! 
Please PLEASE! At least one more month of fall fishing…please
Fall has set in Montucky!! The fish are rolling in!! Look forward to our trip!!