Alaska Gold &Silvers

I recently celebrated my birthday with my “dream trip” to Alaska.It was a rare opportunity to reconnect with some family that I haven’t been able to see for way too many years, I must admit.

Before taking over the resort,I had spent much of my fishing time pursuing salmon with a fly-rod and waders in northern WI and the UP of MI.After a phone call and invitation from my 82 yr old uncle in Oregon,I dug out and dusted off the fly rod , vest and waders .Airline tickets were booked and on my way to the place I have only dreamed of!Whomever decided to annex Alaska to the US of A really deserves a big thank you for making that acquisition !

Our brief trip would only have about 4 1/2 days to fish as travel time would eat up too much of the fishing schedule.Our itinerary would include one fly in,one river trip on the Kenai,both for silver salmon,and one outing for Halibut.The rest of our time would include waders and shore fishing with fly rods and streamers and or spinning gear like the 8’6″ med avid and spinners ranging from size 4 to 6 depending on the current.

Day 1 fly in trip to a small lake reminded me of the excitement I had as kid waiting for opening day of trout season!Our pilot has logged many hours of air time and the half hour flight went very smooth. I for one,have only read about these adventures! Our trip was of no disappointment what so ever. I was surprised though to be fishing out of a typical Pool 4 flat bottom river boat! I felt right at home!

This small lake we were fishing in areas that reminded me of bass type areas,5-6 ft of water in grass & vegetation holding and staging areas for the beginning runs of the silver salmon. Our presentations were primarily spawn with a simple split shot and or a slip bobber. These fish were masters at stealing your bait with out the slightest hint of activity,unless you were a line watcher.Then with no warning,they would strike like a freight train and it was game on and the reel drags were put to the test in a big way!

Our second “silver” outing was to be on the world famous Kenai River.The timing of our trip was at the end of the red and King runs and at the very preliminary run of silvers.The first thing I noticed with the water is the color appears to be milky.Actually,it is gin clear but glacial run off gives it that appearance.The other factor is current and current seams.I was told that at present, the current was 8-10 mph. That is a bunch of water flow for any fish to swim in.So we targeted current seams and anchored up out of a Jon boat.I am telling myself that this feels pretty familiar! Some folks live n die with bait,others fish plugs,that sounds familiar as well!We fished both,and was nearly a even split.Fighting fish in that amount of current is just plain fun! Some boats will even unhook from there anchor and drift several hundred yards before being able to net the fish.

Our non-salmon outing was to experience Halibut fishing.Standard gear for us was to be a 6 ft XH rod and a big ol Penn reel that looked like a anchor mate with a 3# weight.Cod and salmon scraps were used as cut bait and seemed like 280 feet would never find bottom.The bites were more detectable than I anticipated,but hook-sets were a challenge with that much line out.

I have heard and read many accounts of landing Halibut.However,I dont think anyone is capable of writing just how much work it is landing those fish.Our fish ranged from mid 20# to nearly 70#.For eating purposes,20# to 30# fish are considered ideal by the folks we fished with.After landing many fish,my bag limit was filled,and my back was happy to take a break from that abuse.I was more than content to watch the rest of my family abuse there bodies!
Halibut is a fantastic fish to eat,but be prepared to put your body through some punishment should you ever have the chance to go.Dont forget the 800mg pain relievers either!I will make sure to have Doc Frigo and or Bonemover along next time as well,mobile chiropractic skills would have been appreciated!

In summary,I learned that Alaska is everything and more that I thought it would be.Special thanks to my cousins who did the research and work to put together our adventure.We had an outstanding trip,lots of fish,bears,moose,and scenery. But what really made this trip unforgettable,was sharing it with some family that way too many years had gone by without seeing. I encourage you to make that trip you always dreamed about,I am glad I did!

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Dean Marshall


  1. Is that tractor thing launching the boat? I think you need one for the resort

    Really though… Sounds like a great time and a very memorable trip. Great report and Thanks for Sharing

  2. I would have to believe that you won’t be needing any Halibut steaks this year?
    I was there in the middle of July. Isn’t that absolutely the most gorgeous place on Earth?

    Fresh Silver fillets—–yum, yum!!
    Looks like an awesome trip.Welcome back!


  3. Great report Dean Just what I was waiting to hear about. Glad everything went well for you on your “Dream Trip”. You deserved it.
    Wallster ><((((>

  4. Nice trip! Glad you had a great time. I need to get up there sometime because Alaska is the only state I haven’t been too. I can only dream of the fishing. Thanks for sharing your adventure.

  5. Sounds like an incredible trip. I have a neighbor that just got back a couple of weeks ago. All the stories I’ve been hearing make me want to get something booked.

    Great report Dean. Glad to hear you had a safe trip.

  6. Awesome Deano!! Heck for my Birthday I was guiding……Hmnnnnnn!! That trip gets me fired up Dean!! If we ever get TOOOOOOOO popular I might be an Alaska boy!! I especially like the thought of getting into those river systems chasing salmon and fending off Grizzly bears. I might think packing heat is the norm up there?? Great report Dean, and happy to hear you poured that trip out of your bucket list!! By the way has my buddy Andy bought you out of tackle down there yet

  7. Awesome story Dean and great adventure. Thanks for sharing. Better add that one to my wish list also.

  8. Quote:

    Awesome Deano!! Heck for my Birthday I was guiding……Hmnnnnnn!! That trip gets me fired up Dean!! If we ever get TOOOOOOOO popular I might be an Alaska boy!! I especially like the thought of getting into those river systems chasing salmon and fending off Grizzly bears. I might think packing heat is the norm up there?? Great report Dean, and happy to hear you poured that trip out of your bucket list!! By the way has my buddy Andy bought you out of tackle down there yet

    Chris,actually parts of Alaska are much busier on the water than I anticipated,especially the Russian & Kenai rivers.But like here,you dont have to go too far to escape to solitude. Your water up there should be on everyones list to see first hand as well!The IDO GTG should be perfect timing for a fantastic bite up there, I know it sure was for us last year at that time.

    Bears are a factor no doubt,as a matter of fact one of our guides had a 900 # brown decide to charge him and his dog while out for a walk the week we were there.I now understand why he carries a 454 Ruger handgun virtually everywhere he goes.

    It is always nice to see Andy stopping by for a visit!

    Stuart,no worries about who broke what.Everyone knows BK is at the top of that list.The only question is,how much and when will I find everything that needs fixing.
    I appreciate you volunteering for the slave labor platoon while I was gone!

  9. Dean I’m so jealous! I’m going up there in the fall of 2011 and that feels like a hundred years from now. In the mean time I’m tying flies and dreaming about it.

    Did you ever think what might happen if you threw a Paddle tail or a Ringworm in front of one of those Silvers? Maybe a whole new market for B-Fish-N !

    Great report and thanks


  10. Congratulations on a successful trip Dean!! It was over due man! Glad to have back though, I’m jones’n for a journey down to the bait shop! See you soon.


  11. Glad you guys had a sweet trip!
    So, are you now going to pay for your chiro care with halibut steaks????
    Glad you were finally able to take a vacation.

  12. Brings back some great memories Dean! Glad you had a great time! You deserved it!!! I’ll be waiting for myinvitation for a fry! And hey!!! I’ll cook!!!

  13. Very nice report Deano and it’s great to share a vacation like this with the family!

    BTW…in the future, to ensure nothing gets broke at the resort…you might want to consider taking me along.

  14. Wow Dean, I’m really impressed you finally did it. Looks like you had a great time and i’m only slightly jealous. Hope to see you in september to see if the boat still runs!!

    Tony P

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