Sunday at 7:00 AM we had to decide where we were going to fish because of the high winds. We finally decided to fish the rock river and I’m glad we did. There was some open water but most of our spots were iced up. But my buddy and his big Lund Pro V said he will show me how to break up ice and that he did. This nice 17 inch walleye was caught after we broke up the ice. Check out the rest of my report to fined out how the day ended by clicking on View below.
Fishing was tough at first because of all the noise we made breaking ice. At times we were breaking four inches of ice to get to our favorite spots. I learned alot how to break ice with a boat but I would not have did it with my boat. It sounded like he was tearing the bottom of his boat up and denting in the sides at times but at the end of the day there was not a dent or scratch in the boat. I was very impressed with the Lund Pro V how tough they are. Here is a picture of the river after about an hour after we broke up the ice at one of our favorite spots.
Fishing was very slow but it was great to be out in a boat on open water in December for my first time. All fish were caught vertical jigging. We caught fish in all depths, fish were scattered I would say from all the noise we made breaking ice. We caught fish from 6 fow to 13 fow slipping the current was key to keep you line vertical to feel the bite. I caught most of my fish with the 3/8oz Zone-R Jigs by Fin-tech tackle Co. in the red color with an four inch purple ringworm by B-Fish-N Tackle Co. Some fish were caught with glow/green Zone-R jigs with an fathead minnow. All are fish this day were CPR.
I check the river out today and the river from downtown Fort Atkinson up river to 106 bridge is all open. The ramp downtown Fort Atkinson is in great condition. I would recomended to bring some sand with you if you are going to launch here just to be safe, it is very steep. Well it’s time to say until next time, be safe and take a kid fishing. Happy New Year<img src="" alt="" />
All photos can be clicked on for larger view
Here’s what the river looks like today.
Here’s another look.
Here’s an nice picture from Sunday.
Nice report Jeff,
2:34 AM And how many CCs Man If I am up that late its either a fire call or because of My age I have to empty the bladder.
Keep up the good work
Yes to many CC’s was a problem. Man I’m sure feeling it this morning,, morning it’s all ready NOON, oh boy this is going to be a short day.
Just a quick update, The river is still open from K-Mart Launch as far as you can see. Also Downtown Fort Atkinson launch still open and the all the river in my last post. Here’s the next four day forcast. Check out that Fridays forcast
. Please be carefull there is floating ice coming down river.
Jan 01 PM Drizzle 40°/35° 30 %
Jan 02 Mostly Cloudy 49°/36° 10 %
Jan 03 Rain / Snow Showers 36°/14° 30 %
Jan 04 Partly Cloudy 27°/8° 10 %
Happy New Year