Here is a quick report from last weekend. The bite is still going good on pool 2. Presentations seem to be changing a little from earlier in the month. The great trolling bite seems to be tapering off some. Pitching plastics and hair jigs still has it moments but seems to be slowing to. There are still plenty of nice fish to be had. Just remember to bring the live bait.
Saturday I fished with Jake and we struggled to put a decent bite together. We did manage to find some fair numbers trolling rock on the edge of the channel. Just nothing for size over 20"s. Sunday morning I jumped in the boat with Joe for another try at seeing where the bigger fish went. I made sure there was a few leaches and crawlers with this time. It didn’t take long for the walleyes to show there preference for bait this morning. One dam we parked on I pulled a nice walleye rite away on a hair jig. Then it was nothing, not even a bump working threw a few other lures. Once the leeches came out we took 6 more fish off that dam. There was no guessing after that.
The morning hours these walleyes sure showed a preference for leaches. Even a few nice long saugers showed a liking for them. As it got closer to noon we started picking up a few more fish on crawlers. Even managed to find a nice pair of 27"ers hanging out on one wingdam.
Our presentation for pitching live bait was a little different than how I like to work hair jigs or plastics. Slow was the key. Very slow. Making sure that jig was getting to the base of the dam. Working it threw the trough at the base and even in front of that as it was getting towards the boat. Some of the dams are holding good numbers of fish rite now and moving to fast you may pass rite over them.
I mentioned earlier about pitching leaches and crawlers on jigs. To expand on this here are a few tips. For crawlers Im breaking all my crawlers in half or thirds. Using roughly a 2" section at a time. Head or tails I didn’t notice a preference last weekend.
For leeches Joe and I had separate approaches. What we where both trying to accomplish was not having a large strong leech swim around with your jig goofing up the drift and number 2 not having the walleyes tail hit them and pull them off the hook. My approach was to use smaller leeches. Some only a 1.5" or 2" in length. Joe opted for modified jumbo leeches threaded on the bait keeper of a H2O jig. The modification was to pound them down and work them over to the point where they are about dead. If you don’t these larger leaches will pull that jig all over on the bottom.
Key to working both the leeches and crawlers was the H2O jigs. The metal bait keeper on these jigs are fantastic for holding bait on. Once you give them a try you will never look at a lead collar jig the same again.
Sorry about the late report. Was so happy I found my camera cord today figured I better get some of these photos up from lat weekend. Good luck to you guys that are getting out. See you down there Saturday morning.
Those are some beautiful fish Mike! Great job staying after them until their preference showed! That’s what I love about this sport, the pattern is ever changing!

It was good fishin with ya Mike. Looks like I may have to bring the leeches out next time. Nice fish guys
Thanks for the report Mike, nice lookin fish!
I wish I could make it out this weekend, instead got a wedding to attend 5hrs away… 
Nice report and pictures mike. Looks like you guys caught some nice fish. Way to keep after them and to keep changing tactics till you figured out what was working.
Thanks guys. Just picked up a half pound of medium leeches and looking forward to hitting it first thing in the morning. Sure hope the weather holds out.
Great job on some great fish Mike. Good luck tomorrow.
I was good to get back out on the river with you Mike. Check your PM. The bite has been holding pretty good yet and live bait has still been key! Cranks took over one evening early this week but like you stated…. Slow is key and been more of the big fish bite along with good numbers still showing up. Also H20 jig are about the most important detail in the presentation. Especially with crawlers as far as the presentation goes(baits must lay straigh!). Whats nice about the leaches is the bait keeper allows you to catch multiple fish one one leach. Saves you some good cash when your paying 4-5 bucks a dozen for jumbos. Plus the sh**heads and little channels cant yank them off the hooks on ya! Let us know how you do and we might see you down there tomorrow!! I am hoping to be on the water by 5:30-6am but said that before
wtg, mike
beauty fish
Nice fish Mike and Joe. I took a vacation day and hit the river this morning. Leeches and cranks worked well for me early on. I did boat a few on crawlers later in the morning. It was a great day for numbers, but couldn’t find any fish to break the 25 inch mark. Also boated a nice 19″ sauger on a crawler that was one of darkest colored sauger I’ve ever seen. There was a lot of small timber in the water today. The rain thursday morning must have pushed the water levels up a little.
Mike and I caught one of those also and I have to tell you….. Those are some pretty awesome looking fish!! I know what your talking about. Just in the last couple week I have seen a few like that and the colors are unbelievable IMO. It made me take a closer look and it sure is something! Looks like the came from the ocean. I have caught lots of sauger’s but never so dark that I can remember.
Nice walleyes

Nice report Mike! The way I’m interpreting your results is that when the fish are being aggressive you can still catch them on cranks or plastics or hair. When they aren’t being aggressive live bait is kicking butt. I would imagine that the unusually good water clarity is making for more of an early and late/aggressive bite with live bait working better deeper during the day. Hope to get out there again with you soon!
Not sure about the hair and plastic bite. Didnt even try them this weekend. Crawlers where working that well. Did get a couple of fish on crank baits.
As for time of day I would say mid day. It seems like the little bit of rain that has came threw the last few weeks has kept the clarity down. A few weeks ago there seemed to be a good morning and evening bite on spots. Now its mid day bites going on these spots. Bright jig colors like H20’s orange/chartruse or the glow tiger barred jigs are working well for me in the darker water to.
Ill try to get some more photos up later.
Great job Mike!!
I can’t buy a fish on a leech.. Maybe I’ll have to use Joels technique, see if that improves things…
Mike, what weight jig seems good to you now with the lower water?
Great report!
Chris, we were using 1/8 and 3/16th mostly. Mike and I were back out there Satuday and 1/4 came into play once the wind came up. Bright colors are best. I have tried blue and black with no where near the results chart/green/orange were giving up.
Jami, I finally made it down there to P3 on Thursday and I found the same thing. Didnt catch a thing on leaches but ended up with over a dozen eyes and about everything else that would eat a crawler! Definatly 3/16th or less down there. If you are comfortable with the weight your using its too heavy!! you have to get these things to flutter right in front of them.
Her is a 28″ that took a H20
and half crawler off a wingdam!
Jut like Joe said. 1/8 and 3/16th mostly. Orange chartreuse. Did bulk up to even 5/16th on Sunday in the wind. Cast them out and let them drift across the face of the dam. Work the top and definitely work the base. When the jig stop drifting slowly work it towards the boat with a nice hop every now and again.