Ontario – Walleye Report

70 or more walleyes 20” or better, average 24”

The above is not a typo. On June 1st, Onaman Lake opened its angling season. The lake was deemed a fish sanctuary several years ago and thus fell under Ontario’s unique angling regulations. In fact, the lake is such a prolific walleye lake, it was used many years ago as the primary supplier for stocking many of the area lakes. Those lakes today are still thriving with impressive stocks of walleye. With an early close and late opening, Onaman lake is the apple in everyone’s eye and it’s June 1st opening is highly anticipated by many of the regulars to the Pasha Lake Region of Ontario.

Now, if you are a fisherman, by our very nature we are known to stretch the truth. Therefore I am very guarded with the details I am able to submit in my report.

Here is what I can tell you with 100% certainty. Since it’s June 1st opening, we have had several groups fish Onaman Lake. There has been a minimum of two walleyes 30” or better landed and released. The Joe H. group from Toronto, that group alone, landed over 70 walleye on June 2nd and they estimated their average fish to be 24”. There are several occasions where they reported having triples even quadruples while jig fishing certain points. A member or Joe’s group, Muhammad C. is an avid, I mean AVID walleye angler, not to mention he has fished all over the world. His tackle box makes the Cabela’s tackle shop look like amateur hour. Yesterday, his exact words to me were “This is the most amazing and abundant walleye fishery in the world”.

So let’s put that into prospect for second. Say Joe’s group was a little liberal in their estimates and the landed only 50 fish. And maybe, because they were catching so many, they couldn’t measure every fish and a more accurate average is 22”. Does it really matter? My guess is, probably not. And, if it were just Joe’s group, I might be skeptical. However my personal experiences augmented by other groups reporting similar findings, tell me that Joe’s account of his experiences, backed up by his pictures, are right on the mark!

Until next time…

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Chad Thompson

In 10 years of owning Pasha Lake Cabins, we served thousands of guests by helping them experience all Ontario has to offer. We've been there, done that and learned from the school of hard knocks. Now, armed with Full Bio ›


  1. NIce fish Chad and Crew! Oh it has been way to long since I have been to Onaman.

    Yep, the above story & #’s are not a typo. I have personally experienced lake Onaman and it is phenomenal eye fishing. Anyone looking for a Summer get away with the Family or fishing buddies, make sure you check out Pasha for some unbelievable fishing for multiple species and some great accommodations.

    Don’t forget that Lake Nipigon and some of those Monster Lakers are not far from there either.

  2. Quote:

    my arms got tired just reading that report. Need to make that trip!

    Yes you do!!…I made the trip last month and it was well worth it…

  3. For those drolling over the idea of making this trip… Pasha Lake has a deal for you!

    Pasha Lake Cabins is offering a special promotion to all In-Depth Outdoors visitors or members for the month of June! Pay for 3 nights… stay for 5 nights!

    This promotional special includes include the cabin rental, boat & motor rental, trailer, unlimited access to boat caches and misc equipment needed to make your trip an adventure you’ll never forget!

    You can find Pasha Lake Cabins online at >>> http://www.pashalake.com/

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