One Flathead out of Five ~ Catfishing In Minnesota

I’m going to say it…It’s trophy cat fishing time in Minnesota and Wisconsin!!

The bite came late, or for you daytime fishers…early in the morning. I was getting a little worried as the clock approached midnight, that my guests Saturday night wouldn’t see a flathead. Each night out for the last two weeks, we’ve brought at least one trophy to the boat. This was Vanessa Koprek’s first time out cat fishing and first time at night. Both her partner Peter Tveitbakk and I wanted to ensure she had a good time and one that she would remember as a pleasant experience for year to come.

I’m just happy Vanessa gave me five chances to get it right!

Our first stop was at a wood filled area with a very nice tree laying in the current. It had BIG Flathead written all over it. I was way wrong!

As hard as I tried with creative bait placement, the scaley fish were one a bullhead feeding frenzy. The first eye pulled the digital to 3.5 pounds.

I’ll have to say the Team Catfish size 8/0 Double Action hooks worked very well for Vannessa. She was worried about breaking a rod and had what we would call..a whimpy hookset. Just lifting the rod and reeling did the trick with edge of the mouth hook ups. The more I use these hooks the more comfortable I feel about them as I’ve never been a supporter of circle style hooks for anything other than sturgeon and channel cats.

By the end of the night we had four eyes totaling 26.5 pounds. Vannessa is now entertaining the thought of becoming a boater in the AIM Tourneis. Too bad they don’t have a night time division.

It just amazes me that these fish will smash a bullhead with a hook as large as the big Bic Lighters in it. The 80 pound PowerPro has 1 inch ends hanging off the hooks. There is no reason they should be biting according to standard walleye fishing methods. I guess they are just big, mean and ornery!

Thursday, I had a short night with Realtor Ron, the most famous person on IDo that has never posted.

We had a great evening chatting about the problems of the world and forgot about looking for a big cat. Not that we didn’t catch fish, just that it wasn’t the most important part of the trip.

It’s hard to believe but sometimes fishing is not the priority.

If you’re thinking about cat fishing…now is the time to get out there! Check in with Dean at Everts Fishing Resort for the latest bite and river condition on Pool 4 of the Mississippi!

…and remember to watch out for the other guy while boating at night.


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Brian Klawitter

• First Person to be Knighted at the Spam Museum by Sir Can a Lot. • Founded The Minnesota Catfish and Sturgeon Alliance. • Networked to change the MN's Bullhead Bait length laws for Catfish Anglers • Networked to allow the use of cast Full Bio ›


  1. Great report and good read Brian

    ” It’s hard to believe but sometimes fishing is not the priority.”
    No you understand what I meant that weekend

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