Pool 2 walleye Sunday morning.

Here are a few photos from this morning. My neighbors Mike and Becky jumped in the boat with me for a early start on the river at 5am. Fishing started out slow with a couple of small mouth and a sheep head on the 1st couple of spots we stopped at. Finely I managed to pick up one 25″ walleye with a purple hair jig on the 2nd dam we fished. This was the only fish we caught pitching this morning.

Trolling was the way to go for us this morning. Good numbers of fish and good size. Mike started out 1st with a couple of nice fish on #5 Blue Flicker shads. Both in the mid 20″ range. Next I caught a decent one on a #7 purple tiger flicker shad. About this time Becky was wondering if we had just taken her along for a boat ride or what. I told here we where just getting the small ones out of the way for her. Not much later she was sliding her PB 27″ walleye into the net. Way to go Becky.

This 1st area that we found fish was a nice rocky outside bend of the channel. Slowly long line trolling #5 and 7 Flicker shads threw this area and pausing the baits in key spots connected us with several nice walleyes. Once the cats and white bass moved into this run it was off to try another spot.

Our next spot was a nice point on the out side bend of the river with a fair amount of current hitting the point and splitting both ways around it. This caused a nice current break rite at the point and several smaller breaks as you trolled each side for walleyes to hid in.

As we started trolling this area there was a decent school of walleyes holding on some rocks on one side of the point. We took fish every pass here and even doubled up a few times but most of the fish where in the high teens to low 20s. As we continued to trolling these fish seemed to move more out to the head of the point. The other side of the point held some larger fish for us. This side of the point had a lot more wood that caused the current breaks.

For colors of crank baits today it was hands down blue. Of the 20 fish or so we caught Blue caught everything but maybe 2. Speeds where slow and varying with many pauses in speed and lots of movement of the rods.

What a great morning to be out on the river. Thanks for the company Becky and Mike.

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Mike W

45, self employed at HomeTown Plumbing Inc., 1 wife, 3 kids. Enjoy fishing rivers in MN. N St Croix, N Miss, Pool 2, Pool 4, and always looking for a new river to try. Spend most of my time chasing Full Bio ›


  1. good going on the guide trip Mike! we also managed close to 20 fish yesterday throwing cranks, and draggin leeches in seams. when the leeches ran out they liked crawlers too but seemed not quite as much. our biggest was 24.

  2. Dragging you say Jason? I have been wanting to set some dragging runs but havent got around to it yet. Havent got to spend much time on live bait yet either. Have had crawlers int he boat now for a couple of weeks and still havent gone threw a dozen. Are you catching many fish pitching live bait?

  3. Looks like you found your camera cord. Nice report Mike!
    We were gonna hit it this afternoon; but we wussed out because we didn’t want to deal with the wind. We got the whole summer so I thought the fish deserved a break from us today. Hoping to hit it hard over the next few weeks!


  4. Havent found my camera cord yet. Just been taking the wife’s camera with. There are a lot of photos on my camera from this spring that are stuck in there for the time being. Big fish where on your spot again this morning.

  5. Hey Mike have you done any trolling on that stretch across the river from “my spot”? I haven’t really given that much of a shot for quite a long time. It certainly can be good for numbers if not size. I need to get a day where I can stay out for more than a few hours and really do some exploring.


  6. live bait has been hit or miss for me. tuesday i was out alone for three hours and stuck six with a fat 27 all on crawlers. thursday i was out alone and couldnt get a tap with the crawlers after an hour and a half…so started tossing cranks and ended with 7. saturday we were out early and it seemed like pitchin crawlers might be the ticket again….but it shut off and we ended up draggin leeches in 15-20 fow in a spot out of the wind a little…and thats where we got most fish that day.

    im worried if we dont get some rain soon those seams are gonna disappear and “slump-tember” is gonna come in July instead.

  7. Trolled that area real quick last Monday with my girls and found a couple of fish. Didn’t get to spend much time on it as I was told to park the boat on the beach and stop fishing.

  8. im intrigued by DD’s secret spot! im gonna have to get out a couple times this week and do some scouting. i wanna get down to the lower end of the pool and look around down there. i’d like to get a couple half decent trolling runs up my sleeve for when my old man visits next weekend. he’s not much for pitchin.

  9. Tonight is out but any other night this week Im open. Let me know. Looks like Mille Lacs is treating you well.

  10. Anyone going to be out tomorrow afternoon? Think Ill try to sneak out of the office early. The weather looks way to nice.

  11. Quote:

    im intrigued by DD’s secret spot! im gonna have to get out a couple times this week and do some scouting. i wanna get down to the lower end of the pool and look around down there. i’d like to get a couple half decent trolling runs up my sleeve for when my old man visits next weekend. he’s not much for pitchin.

    My “secret spot” is only a secret spot because I was the one who found it out of the 4 or 5 people I fish with regularly. Joe Busch, DeeZee, Jon Jordan, and a bunch of other guys knew about it before I stumbled onto it.

    I was just looking for a spot I could duplicate a trolling run that had been paying off for me. I ended up finding an area that was better than the first area. I did the same thing way down towards the end of the pool. I think the big key in finding new areas is finding rocks, and not necessarily wingdams. Rock piles can be very good as well. Good Luck sir!


  12. Quote:

    Perfect day Mike….good luck. I’ll be out tomorrow and Friday.

    It was a great evening. Nice fish where hitting and good numbers to. Big fish for tonight where a couple of 27″ers. Sounds like plenty of other nice fish where caught tonight also by others. Thanks for the company Rootski. Good to see the rest of you guys down there to.

    As far as what they where biting on it was a little bit of everything.

  13. I’ll be out tonight….going out with a buddy from work. Gotta slog through traffic to get down there so probably not much exploring tonight. Hope they’re still chompin. By the sounds of last night they might all have sore jaws.

  14. I’ll be out hitting secret spots tonight as well.
    Sounds like it could get crowded! I’ll be hiding in a buddys boat to go unrecognized.

  15. I think they did have sore jaws! We only boated two fish all night…both smaller fish. oh yeah…and a feisty 10lb flathead that inhaled by crank. thought i had a sumo eye for a minute. thats the second night out this week i’ve caught a flathead.

    how was the fishin in your boat Mike? did you repeat the previous night?

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