Mississippi Monster Flatheads with Brian K!

Earlier this year I took BK out walleye fishing for a few hours and tonight he asked if he could return the favor by taking my son Ben Tuckner and I out in search of Ben’s first flathead. Well return the favor he did indeed! It is going to take Ben a few days to wipe the smile off his face! Ben has been on quite a roll this year already catching a huge Striper on Chesapeak Bay a few weeks ago, and getting into some nice sunnies and crappies a month back. But nothing was going to prepare him for what he was about to experience!

The night started out in less than ideal conditions with the rainy and dreary look to the sky. It seemed like forever for the front to pass. So we decided to meet BK over at the Bluffs Bar and partake in the famous Shooter’s fish fry. BK asked for "Extra drawn butter" which when told to the cook (Shooter)prompted the reply from the waitress…"The cook says it’s not looking good for you!!!" All the while we ate, BK was telling me "We cannot stay out late because I have to open the baitshop tomorrow as Dean and Randy are fishing the MWC tournament." I smirk a bit and he says…"I’m SERIOUS!" Yeah..yeah..yeah…He says "You are the adult here, and I am counting on you!" He really said that to ME! Hahahaha! I thought he knew me better than that.

After letting the weather pass, we headed over to Evert’s to launch the boat and BS with Randy and Dean for a bit as they mentally prepared for their tournament. Which entailed drinking coffee and apologizing to Ben for his luck of having to fish with the likes of me and BK. Anyways, we launch the boat and Mother Nature decides she is not done with the rain, so BK opts to stay close to Evert’s. So off we go to spot #1. Pulling up to it, I toss out the anchor, and pop open the cooler to hand BK the first of 3 bullhead rods we were going to toss out. It was then I realized he wasn’t kidding about getting back early! There were only about 8 bullheads in there! Hahaha! He figured by hook or by crook we were not staying out all night as is usually the case when we get out. I think behind the scenes Dean told him you BETTER be up in the morning to open the baitshop! Well we no sooner got the boat anchored and rods set when the rod next to Ben goes from "Bully Dance Mode" to that classic CRACK! Then click…click…click.. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ sound! Ben stands up and assumes the position for a hookset that would soon ascend to hand to hand combat with the monster that would rival anything in the freshwater food chain! The fish behaved at first swimming casually towards the boat, until it realized there was something in her lip making her go a direction she would rather not go. UP! She dug in her fins and had Ben doing the classic cat tap dance around the gunwales! After a tussle at boatside and a few futile attempts to tangle in the motor, Brian slipped her into the net. Now I fancy myself a fairly well seasoned cat guy…but even I let out a slight gasp as she came onboard. I guessed between 42 & 45 pounds. She came in at 45.750 pounds. Not bad for your first flathead! Funny thing was, it was supposed to be my fish!!! Yesterday Ben and I pulled a turkey wishbone, and I won guaranteeing me the first shot at a fish. Well, something inside me told me to let him have it…Thank God I did! That will be a fish Ben will never forget.

I told Ben that what he just did was akin to taking a trophy 10 point buck! He had a glazed look on his face as he sat in the front of the boat texting photos to everyone he knows! So, with that fish out of the way it was my turn to take a shot at the beasts from beneath! Now anyone who knows me knows my true passion is walleye fishing. Now I know walleyes like willow cats…but this girl must have had delusions of grandeuer! She took a 6.5" bullhead like it was a Chips Ahoy! Fighting a 28.75" walleye on cat gear is a bit of overkill as the fish came skipping to the boat after the hookset!! I was admiring the fish when I saw BK putting his camera away…and I said HEY!!!! We are taking a picture of this girl! He said "We don’t take pictures of stinky old walleyes!" Grrrrrrrrrrr! Anyways, I think he saw the look in my eyes that there may be two things going over the edge of the boat and into the water if he didn’t…so here is the pic of my fish.

Ben did manage another 9# or so flatty before the night was done. It may be a while before I get to get back out with you BK with your upcoming guide trips and all, but I look forward to our nxt trip out! If you get a chance, take advantage of a trip out with Brian K’s Trophy Catfishing Adventures!!!

Thanks from a proud Papa and Ben!

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Guide, speaker and tournament fisherman. Member of the , B-fish-N, St. Croix Rods, Marcum Technologies, Topline Controls, Lakemaster.


  1. Was that “heck yeah” coming from Pool 4 right after dark the sound of the opening bell of the 2009 flathead season?!

    Congrats Ben.

  2. Holy Crap….nice catfish Ben!
    Nice looking walleye to Chris.

    Looks like it was a pretty good night even if it was a short one.

  3. Great report Chris and what a great night out on the water. Congrats Ben on that monster flatty. she’s a beauty.

  4. Awesome fish Ben

    Great write up Chris, I could hear the chatter in the bait shop as if I was there listening to Dean heckling Brian for myself

    Gotta love dancin’ with a cat of that size in the boat, nice job parkin’ the boat Mr. K

  5. Well that Flathead is nice to see. That should be the opening bell to the flathead season. I’ve been after them on the st Croix with no luck but seeing that sweet looking flathead has me ready to go again.

    Nice job, Brian. I see you still can’t avoid those walleye things. I’ve been picking up a few on cut bullhead too when fishing channels. They do ski into the boat well on cat gear.

  6. Hey, great flathead! I’m stoked now. Up until now I’ve seen only smaller fish, and few of those to boot. I’m heading out tonight, and that’s exactly the kind of picture I needed to see to motivate me to ignore the cold and wind and have a positive attitude again!

    Methinks that after catching that fish as his FIRST flathead, Ben is going to start skipping walleye fishing and going for flatties more often

  7. Quote:

    Looks like it was a pretty good night even if it was a short one.

    Early? I was hoping to be under the warm covers with barney my teddy bear by 10 pm! Certainly didn’t want to see midnight last night!

    I would have been better off having Ben be the adult in the boat.

    As always it a good night fishing with you Dad. Better since your son was a long. Everything seemed to fall into place last night. Except for getting the EXTRA drawn butter at The Bluff Bar and Grill.

    It was a great way to start off the ’09 flathead season and since it was Ben’s first catfish, put a good size smile on his face too!

  8. Quote:

    That Flathead is SICK!!

    Chris, it was the walleye that was sick! 80 pound test PowerPro with tag ends at the hook over 1 inch long, a 10/0 hook and a 6+ inch bullhead…what was he thinking??

    Stunk up the boat too.

  9. Cool! Great Report! Congrats on your nice Flatty Ben. I know the other guys probably had as much fun watching the throw down in Man Vs.Fish.

  10. Keep fine tuning your finesse game for those Mississippi Walleyes Brian!! There is not question in my mind that you boys likely pull a fair amount of big girls that way!! Many people underestimate the effectiveness of bullhead patterns. Sounds like a great trip!!

  11. Sounded like a blast guys! Nice write up Chris. Felt as if I was in the boat myself.

    Congrats on the cat Ben!

  12. Great job! Nice flat! Now you will start dreaming of them at night and catch yourself looking for a good cattin boat!

  13. Awesome fish, and great report. Thanks for sharing, gets my blood pumping for my next trip out.


  14. Great read Tuck!

    Congrats to Ben on his first cat and what a dandy!

    See I told you BK was good for something! If you find out anything else he is good for, make sure to let us know will ya!

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