North Metro Panfish

Spring has sprung and the panfish have loaded into the shallow black bottom bays to do their thing. This time of year in my boat is when the kids get to have all the fun, well not all of it, I always manage to leave with a big smile on my face too. Watching the kids learn and explore is about the most gratifying experience I have had as a father.

Steve and I have been talking about getting the boys together for some spring time pannies, and yesterday afternoon we did just that. James and Alex had not met until yesterday, but let me tell you this, they were like two peas in a pod right from the get go. With two coolers packed up full of goodies for the boys, a bunch of left over Easter candy, and about a dozen juice boxes, we hit the water.

The bass were very thick in the shallows yesterday and provided the little guys some great action until we found the crappies. A simple set up for the boys was the ticket. A small bobber and a minnow combo was what I had Alex using. Steve set up James with a bobber and a small jig with a micro pink and white tube. The fish ate just about anything you put in front of them, and the boys had a great time together. At one point, James hooked into a good bass, Alex goes to the back of the boat where James is fighting the fish and watches him. When Steve unhooked the bass, the boys were laughing and talking about kissing the fish befor we put it back. I could not get on the camera fast enough, but I will tell you that someone had some fishy stink on their face. The laughter never ended yesterday with these two in the boat. If you happened to be anywhere near Wright Co. yesterday, I am almost positive you could have heard Alex and James.

The crappies finally showed up about two hours prior to the sun going down. We did not plan on staying until dark, but with the boys catching pies hand over fist, we just could not call it a day. The sun finally made its way to the horizon and we had to pull the pin. I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed myself yesterday wathching these two boys fish, play, and most of all, joke around with each other all afternoon. The word poop or butt must have been said about 100 times yesterday, and the giggles never ended. Take a kid out, bring a bunch of snacks, kick back and have a great time on the water. Its things like this the boys will remember for the rest of their lives, and so will I. Thanks for a great day on the water Steve and James, Alex was already asking this morning when we are going fishing again, with his new friend James.


  1. Thanks so much Bob! With my boat held up right now with some trailer issues, Bob was kind enough to throw an invite my way for James and I to get on some early season crappies. As Bob mentioned these two little guys were like long lost brothers within seconds of meeting each other and the laughter and giggles never stopped. Within minutes good friends were made.
    To them, catching a pile of fish was bonus! I am quite sure we could have stayed out for days with the amount of snacks and good company we had. Having two rods along to recycle each rod when the other got tangled was a must for capilizing on the aggressive munch fest the crappies were in.
    Thanks again buddy! Looking forward to it the next time.

    Steve and James

  2. Now that right there should put a smile on anyones face

    Great job Bob and Steve for showing the boys an unforgettable time. Nice how the bass cooperated until the slabs turned on.

    Really miss those years when my boys were that age and you are right Bob, poop and butt, along with the word fart always gets the giggles rolling
    Great pics too!

  3. It just don’t get any better then that.

    Not only getting the kids and Dad’s out fishing and catching fish, but perhpas introducing the lil guys to a possible life long fishing buddy.

    Congrats to all and nice report Bob!

  4. Great report and some really great photo’s!

    Nice job guys.

    The only thing that would top that might be having a fish fry with the kids later in the evening.

  5. Great report Bob, I know we’ll get to see you and Steve, “guide” your two boys into a life long love of the outdoors and adventures.
    Congrats on a FUN day.
    Now go do it again soon.

  6. What an awesome read Bob and I love them pictures I bet there was some good sleeping going on after a trip like that

    Mike and I still use the words poop and butt a lot in the boat…….I’m normally calling Mike an old poop and he is always threatening to kick my butt

    Great job on the crappies guys

  7. Quote:

    Mike and I still use the words poop and butt a lot in the boat…….I’m normally calling Mike an old poop and he is always threatening to kick my butt

    Never a dull moment

    Great report and even greater pictures. You guys made some awesome memories there.

  8. Friday afternoon we went back at it for round two. I got home from work, loaded up the boat and took the wife and kids out. It was a fantastic night to be out on the lake and even better sharing it with the family. My daughter Anna got to do battle with a big bass to start us off. This was her first trip, and as you can see by the photos, she was not shy about showing up her brother. She grabbed those pies like a pro. It took us a while to find the crappies, but they hit well right at dark. Big fatheads were the ticket for us last night. We had the lake all to ourselves last night, which was a shock, being that the weather was so nice. Have a good weekend, I know where we will be spending it, in the boat with the kids

  9. Awesome buddy!!

    For those that can’t tell, I stopped at Bob’s yesterday afternoon, he was still beaming!!!!! One proud papa, as he should be.

  10. What is it with little girls named Anna who are incredibly cute. This little girl is my niece Anna Janssen. How about dem blue eyes

  11. Quote:

    What is it with little girls named Anna who are incredibly cute. This little girl is my niece Anna Janssen. How about dem blue eyes

    We are going to be in trouble when they hit their teens

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