Pool 4 – Mississippi River Walleye Report

One only needs to take a look at the Mississippi River Forum to realize this is your shot at an absolute beast on the river right now. My guess is that a number of those pre-spawn females that have been making it to the boat in the last few days did their business last night. Unfortunately I don’t have any bruisers to post, in fact this has been the toughest spring for me to date on Pool 2 and Pool 4 but here’s a couple of pics and observations I thought were worthy of posting.

First is this: Pool 4 is no secret! On Good Friday, I was one of about 250 boats out there and it was a zoo. There are about 5-7 community spots that do hold big fish right now because they are classic spots and can hold a number of boats which is exactly what they did that day. Options are either saddle up next to everyone else, or look for micro versions of those areas. When you’re faced with masses of people I can’t stress enough, go find less pressured water! There are hundreds of little spots on that section of river that have the kind of elements that will hold fish right now. Those elements are as follows…current breaks/seams, shallow water adjacent to deeper water, entrance/exit to backwaters and spawning areas nearby.

The first fish pictured was caught upstream of an absolutely KNOWN spot on P4 by about 300 yards. Just off the inside turn of the main channel, backwater over flow now coming back into the river near flooded timber. You’ve got current seams, backwaters, spawning (flooded timber) and not a single person fishing it. I hooked 2 fish that were really nice but came unbuttoned and landed the 23 pictured above.

My other observation is more of a personal learning regarding the BFN blades. I hear more stories of big fish coming on blades that I committed to tying on a B-Fish-N B3 Blade this spring and never taking it off. After being close enough to some blade "pro’s" (mainly Dean) and watching how they work them I feel like I’m getting the hang of them. Both of my bigger fish this week came on blades. One on gold when the sun was out, and the other on Mud minnow (black with orange) when it was cloudy. What a fun, active, and responsive bait to catch fish on. Tie one on and give it try. My hunch is that there are a still some fish waiting to spawn yet this week and you’ll find them shallow near spawning grounds and the entrance/exit to them. Good luck.


  1. Thanks for the report. I also made a commitment several times this Spring to using blades. Success was up and down–that may be because my focus was not entirely what it should have been. Confidence and a bit of know-how seemed to really help me. Dean was a huge help in the know-how area for me.

    You mention spawning going on…what do you see as post-spawn techniques and general locations? Always like to learn what the fish do so adjustments can be made.

  2. Way to stick with the blades Micah. They are a very effective tool and I’m looking forward to using them a lot more this year myself.

  3. Nice report Micah!

    Some interesting observations also. Seems like its been a tough bite on all the rivers across Wisconsin this spring.

  4. Scott
    as for post spawn I’m not as confident in locations as I am pre-spawn, so if any of you river rats want to jump in here that would be great. I do know one thing…if they stage at entrance/exit’s to backwater areas, at some point they have to go through those same neck down points to get out and move to their summer locations so the old “wait them out and intercept them” after they spawn is a good one. It’s not they don’t eat post-spawn which many people will talk about (“post-spawn lock jaw”) it’s that they are on the move and hard to pin point.

  5. Very good report and observations Michah! You are spot on,regarding picking other areas,chances are if the water looks right,it is right! We both encountered similar situations on Fri,and I as well fished some tiny areas that I only had driven by in the past.

  6. Yeah last Friday was tough. The fish got pushed around a bit. Once we started getting fish we got overwhelmed. Your always amazed by how rude people can be.

  7. What, did you think you were in the Quetico or something???

    Pool 4 is “different”

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