central Nebraska crappies are starting to move!

The weather here in central Nebraska was just too good on Sunday to sit inside and hold the chair down, so my buddy Jeremy and I headed for the Tri County Canal system. We were greeted with dead calm waters and a few cooperative crappies. It wasn’t long before we were able to find the depth at which they were holding, and get the first crappies of ’09 in the boat. The depths changed throughout the afternoon as the fish really seemed to be moving around the water column. Being fairly early, they made us work for our catches today. Here’s Jeremy with a couple that went 10 1/2".

Most fish came on marabou jigs (including some I hand tied this winter, which is a great feeling), but some came on plastics as well. Colors didn’t seem to matter today, and neither did weapons like Crappie Nibbles. Jeremy used a few Nibbles at times, but they didn’t seem to stand out as a difference-maker today. Some fish were really aggressive with taking the baits, but we also had quite a few that would just ‘push’ the jig. We had yet another group of fish that would just hold it and do nothing. If you weren’t watching your line or lifting your rod, you missed them. Here are 3 more over 10".

All in all, it was a great first Nebraska day on the water. We didn’t catch big numbers, but the fish we did catch looked very nice. Our biggest of the day was only about 10 3/4", but it’ll only get better from here on into spring. I believe, with the low water temp, the fish are just starting to become active and arrive at select areas. I really wanted to fish a few more of those areas today, but they were still iced in. We had a pretty decent start today to the ’09 season, and we hope you have the same.

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Brian Robinson


  1. Great job Brian. I’m going to get on the water this week if it kills me. I know we got a big cold front coming but I’ll go anyway. I spent all weekend at Bass Pro talking about fishing and now I’m pumped to get out!!

  2. Ahhhhh…Open water. I’m jealous. If things keep going the way they are it’s still gonna be another month before we can hit local lakes here. Nice report.

  3. Great fish Brian…. just finished getting the boat ready the other day. Just need some nicer weather again.

    Layne Monroe

  4. Nice report Brian! I am going to try and get out in the boat this Friday. Going to have to test some of the methods Ben taught on Saturday. It might be a little early, but I need to get out. Probably head over to Wehrspann. See ya in April!

  5. Thanks guys! It was nice to be able to get out on the ONE good day we had. This weather really took a turn, didn’t it?

    Traffic? You’re lookin at it! I was actually surprised to see another guy out there fishing from shore. That’s the nice thing about the canal; there are lots of days out there when I never see another boat.

    It’s gonna happen soon, guys…just hold on and get ready!

  6. Quote:

    Thanks guys! It was nice to be able to get out on the ONE good day we had. This weather really took a turn, didn’t it?

    Traffic? You’re lookin at it! I was actually surprised to see another guy out there fishing from shore. That’s the nice thing about the canal; there are lots of days out there when I never see another boat.

    It’s gonna happen soon, guys…just hold on and get ready!

    Ya, I know, the traffic thing was a horrible attempt at me trying to be funny

  7. Congrats Brian and Jeremy on a successful crappie outing! Were these fish relating to structure at all or were they still in their suspended winter mode?

  8. Thanks Brad! That’s a good question that I failed to address in the report. These fish were definitely relating to structure and they’re just starting to get into their pre-spawn areas in certain places in the canal. They’ll move into a few areas and go pretty hard, then really disperse. There are quite a few coves with TONS of cover, so in some areas in the canal you can fish for them all day long trying to find them, which is kinda fun. This week I hope the weather will hold out as we plan on getting out a few days. Usually by the first week of April the action really slows as they move out and get ready for spawn. Should be fun!

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