OK Anglers!!! Start you Augers!! As we enter the beginning stages of “Late Ice”. There are some key points to keep in mind while Big fish hunting. First thing to remember if you are truly out to slide big fish on the ice than you must be willing to hinder chances at landing 13-16 inch fish especially this time of year. Much has been made out of big bait patterns when chasing fall walleyes, but seldom do anglers discuss “Late Ice” presentations for the biggest and baddest. Number one importance is fish big fish waters, and number two importance is get in their kitchen. Number 3 importance is feed them what they cannot resist!! Without effectively mastering all 3 your big fish events will be very sporatic!! BUT…. With proper homework you can and will Drop the hammer on late ice Monsters!!
I’m always looking to catch big fish. This year has been unbelievable, and many customers have shared in the success of the pattern we’ve closely followed. This year has the Daze Team at 34 walleyes over 26 inches!! 12 legitimate Trophy class fish measuring over 28 inches since Jan.1st!! We’ve patterned these fish, and stayed in their respective kitchens all year. Some days they fast, and somedays they pose!! That is big fish hunting right there!! Today we found that a lightning spoon hooking a medium shinner about 7 feet up in a pumping motion was too much for the big walleyes to handle. Once the fish were spotted a 2 foot rise and pause had walleye flat out CRUSHING the presentation. Having a braided line coupled with a medium flex jig stick and giving the fish the BEANS is crucial if you want that fish to come up for a digital!! Many of the boys had hearts broken by Rainy Jewels this weekend, and I would say lack of hook setting power is likely the culprit.
We really were once again destined to our permanent rentals and portable houses with March “Movin and Groovin” really not a legitimate option. With that being said we had decent fish activity, and iced some beautiful fish. We jumped some giant slab crappies that would darn near bring tears to your eyes!! I think on behalf of the whole crew we’d like to take a bow to Custom Jigs and Spins for the outstanding results we experienced on Diamond Jigs, Shrimpos and Ratsos!! WOW!!! Here is a 16 inch 2lb 4 oz. flat out SUPER FREAK caught on a perch patterned “Diamond Jig” We found these crappies deep, and small profile yet heavy presentations are key for this pattern!!
Seldom do I talk about ones that got away!! Yet for your sake Brad I will give you a little press!! As we were lighting up the fish I heard “School Girl” screams for the boys!! I figured they likely had a big eye or slab…. NOPE!! 20lb plus pike looped up in 4lb mono!! YIKES!! The pike had apparently given him the death roll like a true “Gator”. The fish was literally as wide as the 8 inch hole that we peered down. Unfortunately the point whre the line extended from th fish to the rod was 10-12 inches behind the big pikes head. This made maneuvering the fish up the hole impossible. We had the fish beneath the ice 3 seperate times. Ice was too deep to take this one for the team, so couldn’t slip our fingers in the gills. Making the long story short the fish did another roll and that was it!! See ya later big guy!! I estimate the weight of th fish to go 22-25lbs. Last year we landed a 20lb fish right on the nose. This fish definately was heavier!! Oh well that is what keeps you coming back Brad!! So I guess we’ll just have to show another big walleye!!
decisions decisions march 09 or march 10 to fish rainy
Specks on steroids……..awesome
Great read and pics as always Chris
Wow those are some dandy fish!! Do you you catch numbers of big crappies like that or the occasional fish? Walleye numbers always seem to be up there on your posts…..beauties!!
40 crappies/6 guys.
4 (14 inch) 1 (15) 1 (16)
Nice report Chris!
That picture of Tucker with a 15″ crappie and a 26″ walleye is an awesome picture. Any fisherman worth his salt would be thrilled to have a full frame picture like that hanging in there house. Well done!
Awesome read and great Pics
I and my son went for exactly that reason and Chris and Rainy did not disappoint. Thanks again Chris and I guarantee we will have braided line next time. My wife says she is going to paint our walls blue to be the water for all our pictures of fish on the wall.
Hey A and T!!
Congrats on the big fish!! As you can see the 16 inch slab is quite an accomplishment!! I’ll be trying to top it today buddy!! Hey Tucker!! I can still here you yelling like a school girl with that big 26 inch walleye!! Kudos Buddy!! Those are pretty big fish for such a little guy!!
Big walleyes, big crappies and a big pike!
Wow, what else could a Rainy Lake angler want?
Congratulations to everyone involved and keep up the great reports Chris! 
Daze, Your killin me here!!!
Great fish
Few more pics from yesterdays 2 man 40 crappie day!! 15 slabs between 13 and 14.5 inches!! Nice Giant Whitefish too!!
That whitefish is a slob! That had to have been a battle on Crappie gear.
Yeah those big Whitefish fight like Lake trout. We had another big pike on that day around 15lbs that snapped us off at the hole AGAIN!! LOL!! Funny those fish hit the micro Crappie set-ups!!
Wow, those Crappies are just stupid big