Well, if you are reading this report you definitely are not on the river. You are either at work, day dreaming about being on the river, or at home wishing you were on the river. I tell you what, if you are at work tell the boss you would like to take him fishing because he needs to get away from all the pressure. Take him to the river and hand him a ¼ oz jig with a Super Doo and when the day is done I am sure he will give you a raise because the action right now is hot.
This week trips were hot once again with over 50+ fish coming to the boat on a given day. My first trip this weekend was with, Northwoods Guide, and In Depth angling Pro Staffer Tom Gursky from Iron Mountain, Michigan. The trip started out in low light conditions working a rock point, throwing 3/32 jigs with Blue Pearl with speckles Kalin. The first 15 minutes we landed these two piggies that Tom Gursky is holding. Letting that jig work itself in the current was the most productive. If you even twitched it or moved it you did not get bit. In fact, the first fish we caught I was turned around looking at my switches on the dash when it felt a subtle tick. FISH ON!
As soon as the crowd starting coming we switched over to ringworms and started working the shallows. This day was very gloomy and windy so pitching the shallow would be a problem. Or mission was to go for all walleyes for the first 4 hours. We worked the 10-12 foot depth and started nailing walleyes on almost every color ringworm I had that day. We caught fish on Orange Sherbet, I picked that just because I was craving ice cream that day; Pro blue with light blue tail, Purple with white tail, purple with chartreuse tail, oyster shell color and black with chartreuse tail. This day was telling me that almost every color would work. I was just one of those mornings you have to love. Here is Tom with his stringer of walleyes we caught this morning. Thanks Tom for coming I had an awesome time with you. Try not to beat up on too may of those Bay de Noc walleyes. I may need them in a tournament some day. Memories that will last a life time.
After playing with the walleyes in the early morning we decided to start spending some time with the saugers. We didn’t want the saugers to feel left out now do we? This morning was very cold and windy.
So playing with minnows was something I really didn’t want to deal with. It was bad enough I couldn’t feel my fingers, why would I want to dip my hand in a freezing bucket of water. It just didn’t make sense. So I went with what I was doing last week, using Super Doo’s. I know you don’t want to hear about these things again. Well it was what I used, and we nailed the saugers. Colors really didn’t make a difference. The biggest key was just being vertical 100% of the time. If you had any slack in the line you would be as successful. I can’t stress enough about being vertical with the Super Doo’s. We fished next to other boats that were using the same thing but did not have the boat control thus catching less fish. The Doo’s are set up to be 100% vertical. You want to have those tentacles moving freely and not dragging on the ground. I even had my customers come and stand up by me on the windy days. Making sure that the customers would be vertical. Here is Tom Gursky holding a couple of monster saugers he caught super doo’ing.
The next trip was with Wayne Mouse from Maple Grove, Minnesota. We started out the same way in the morning but did not land any piggies like Tom had. This day was a little brighter so the shallow bite for the walleyes was not as good for us. We did manage do catch some walleyes in the 10-12 foot depth but none were any bigger that 20 inches. We still ended up catching over 50+ fish but most were saugers. Here is Wayne with his stringer of fish and a couple of big sauger for the day.
If you are not on the river you might want to think about getting out there. The action is very good and it sounds like it should be warm all week.
Click on pictures for better viewing.
Wayne Mouser with a couple of Pool 4 saugers.
Wayne Mouser with a pool 4 sauger.
Gator Hunter
Hey Jarrad…Great report…
So you say Super Doo..Vertical…ummm

I think I’ll give it a try this next weekend…
Hey Steve Vick I hope you have a good supply, cause I really like it when I run out I just have to drop down river and get some from you..THANKS…

I like those little bugger’s with some glitter in em…
Way to go Jarrad and Tom and Wayne
Well after three years of wanting to fish the fabled “November Bite” I FINALLY MADE IT!!!! Make no mistake, Little Bay de Noc is a great fishery but in my mind you have the finest walleye fishery, day in day out, right here on this river.

) how to adjust my style and be more productive
Best of all I garnered a few more pieces to the puzzle(pattern) on catching these river eyes out here in these conditions. To me this is one of the best reasons to spend a day with a top notch guide.
Jarrad did a great job of putting us on fish and using the right techniques. He absolutely kicked my butt in the early going with a “dead stick” jigging motion( and was nice enough to let me know
The wind was raw and rod guides froze up constantly….but when big chunky eyes are hitting your offerings like that…WHO CARES?
by the way, I saw a LOT of other fisherman releasing keeper sized fish, quickly and safely, having a lot of fun on a cold gray day. Thanks a Bunch Big Guy!
Hey Tom, did they teach you lip those walleyes like that in Michigan?? LOL
Jarrad & Tom:
You’re right that looks like an awesome time. Sometimes family takes priority and while that is, looking at this and knowing I could have been there is truly a bummer. Minocqua finally put a complete layer of ice on itself last night, but for how long remains to be seen. Jarrad, will five be open this weekend or might lower slower pools be freezing up. Once again good job!!!
…thought it was Bass? Funny thing…it worked…if your thumb is tough enough.
Yeah Waterfowler, we lip em in the U.P.
Pool 5 is still wide open. The landing is in good shape also. There was about 5 boats out this weekend from what I saw and heard. I haven’t been on Pool 5 this week but the latest buzz around the bait shop that the action has been very good. The areas that I took you to down by the power plant will be your best bet. Wintering holes. For more info THE MAIN CHANNEL bait store in Alma has a 800 number you can call. 1-866-219-2191.
I had a blast with you. Thanks for coming and I am glad you had a fun time. I will have to get up your way sometime and play with some of those big walleyes from Little Bay ne Noc. Take Care.
Hey Jarred, how about some more pool 4 reports. We like to get reports on where the fish are biting!!!
Does anyone know if the ramp in Red Wing (Bay Point? The one just down from Four Seasons.) at the park is still open?
When using the Super Doo in deep water, what size jig head are you using? Great report keep up the good work.
With the flow as low as it is I have been using 1/4 oz in the deeper and 1/8 oz in the shallower water. If it is really windy like it was on friday I use 1/4 for all depths, well except when I am using ringworms. I like the 1/4 oz just because I can stay more vertical. The heaviest head on ringworm this year has been 1/8 oz. 3/32 has been the best for the ringworms. I hope that helps.
Thanks for the info. I have been using a 1/4 oz in the deeper water also, just wanted to make sure it was the correct weight.
Is it safe to say that if it’s cloudy or darker outside I should be fishing/casting in shallower water for eyes and deeper for sauger?
During overcast days you will find more walleyes AND a few saugers up shallow. The saugers that you find shallow will be pretty good ones. Last week we pulled 5 saugers shallow and they were all around the 20″ class and released. However the shallower water will yield more walleyes verses the sauger.
So yes.
I hope that helps.
Thanx for the info. I’ll try it out Sunday down there.