Another Super Doo day for sauger. Dale Gappa and I spent 6 hours on the water today, we had a real good day for numbers, with 6 fish over 18".
We caught all our fish with super doo’s today, the hot color for us was chartruse- pepper. We worked the 20′ to 25′ range with most of the fish coming right on the break. I goofed up today and did’nt take any sauger shots on the water (to busy pulling em in), so I had Dale’s boy take the first pic of us with 4 of the eaters we took home. I did get some shots on the water. We came across James doing battle with a sturgeon.
When we got there at 11:35am he was well into the fight.Took this pic at 11:45am.
At 11:54 they had it in the boat.
If your looking for some good action on sauger now is the time. Good Fishing
Hey Kerry nice report.
That’s a great photo the one with the guy and the long fish…are they related???
Hey Kerry,
Sounds like a fun day of fishing!
Thanks for the report.
Good Fishing,
Hey Kerry,
It was great to see you out there today. Fish in such unbelieveable numbers that even I caught a few. At least until the breeze blew up. It’s still blowing here in Burnsville. What a day, huh?
Looks like the bite will last awhile. And great report. Fun for us out there.
Good to see your out on the water buddy !!
I’d still like to take you up on that offer of fishing together some time…where does the time go ?
Nice photos & report. How many boats were out there Sunday afternoon and was it windy there? In Rochester it was very windy in the afternoon and I was thinking boat control must have been a bit interesting at times.
I stayed home and watched a very bad football game instead of going fishing – big mistake.
Dave Gulczinski
Dave, Boat numbers seemed to be down, we fished below the Y all day,I did take a quick count once and there were about 20-25 in the area we were at. I don’t know how many were up by the dam. Yep, it got windy later in the morning. Take care…
What color jighead were you using with those chartreuse pepper doos? I assume the current is prety low so maybe less than 1/4 oz?
LundgEYE, I play around with colors a little bit, but it seems I always end up with gold on both sticks. I use 1/4 oz. just so I can get it down quicker, you could go lighter with the amount of current we have now. Take care…