January ice fishing has come to an end, and February has a lot to measure up to. We ended up Icing 28 walleyes over 26 inches in January. DID NOT HIT 30!! 5 fish between 29 and 29.5!! SO…..uhhhh Yep might want to get on the horn for next January BIG WALLEYE EXCURSIONS!!! As February is before us expect the Walleyes to be found in similiar locations, but fine tuning your spot on fishing will be the key to your success or failures. This is where I try focus my attention on small areas that have big walleyes staking their claim!! Year in and year out when the attention is drawn to certain areas those fish get a bit “SPOOKY”. This is a great time to get on those small little spots with NO PRESSURE!! Those big walleyes haven’t seen any pressure since we dropped the hammer on them last fall!! Key in on areas that were most effective during the fall run, and then mobilize. Some will hold fish, and some will just hold anglers. Locating yourself on mid lake humps with deepwater access that are traditional Fall producers will often times have you taking pics for your desktop!!
What is great about moving into February is traditionally we get weather to move and groove!! Now don’t get me wrong not everyone will swim (POLAR PLUNGE) after winding down for the day, but often times mobilizing is much more tolerable. This of course definatley tilts the odds in the anglers favor of at least locating the target fish. Now remember this assuming you have pinned down the big fish!! Read the fish on the graph!! If she’s fired up then Cat/mouse and slowly rise your presentation. If she’s coming in slow and very lethargic then try a slow drop and subtle movements. Different fish get triggered with different methods. The 29 inch walleye I caught 2 days ago was 4 feet below the ice, and FIRED UP!! Trust me I reeled up and jigged it hard and LIGHTS OUT!! I know it is boring, and I’d love to tell you about something else I’m using, but Orange/Chartruesse Lightning spoons!! Haven’t found a reason to change yet. Now what I have been doing a bit different is I’ve been rigging my tip ups with a 2 foot mono leader and split shot slipped down within 8 inches of the size 6 hook with a red bead. I like to tail hook a medium sized shinner and suspend that shinner in the water column based on where I see the baitfish swimming that day!! Now here is the deal!! YOU MAY VERY WELL GET CUT OFF BY BIG PIKE. SO if this freaks you out go ahead and leader up. I am a firm believer these big walleyes are too smart most of the time for leaders, and because I am mainly targeting walleyes that is a chance I’m willing to take.
Remember here on the Border walleyes are open until the middle of April and Pike are open continously!! This gives us ample opportunity to follow these fish all the way up to staging for the spawn. Don’t discount flagging giant pike right before ice out!! That is a great time!! Bring a group of buddies up and a bucket full of flags!! We will get after them!! Heck you can even bring some brats and the weber grill!! Some of my favorite ice fishing is yet to come no doubt about that. Something about ice fishing in your sweatshirts!!
Lastly I’d like to emphasis the importance of your electronics. Fishing 30 fow + leaves you at a serious disadvantage without a flasher. You cannot read fish, and if fish come in suspended you will not catch them. I would honestly say you I would catch 1 out of 5 fish without a close eye on the water column at all times. Trust me when big fish come in suspended if your stuffing down a brat you will be feeding the wrong pig. The Big girl has just passed you by and that really hurts!! You get a few chances to land trophy fish, so having your A game will help out drastically!!
Another awesome report and pictures Chris.

I never get tired of looking at pics of big eyes caught through the ice
Great report and nice fish!

nice chris a trip to rainy next winter is definately in the works
no swimming thou 
Where is your sense of adventure!!
Trust me I wouldn’t recommend it! 
Let me tell ya you can’t go wrong with the first 3 weeks in January!! Right now I’m 1/2 booked in January 2010. Apparently 26 eyes over 28 inches in a month gets ice fishermans blood flowing!!
Heck rumor has it I get more excited than some of the guys I’m fishing with when they drop the hammer on a Rainy Lake Big Girl!! 
Well done Chris. I’ll be calling you shortly to book ours.
Sounds Good Buddy!! That is a great time to pin down some big fish!! PLUS something to look forward to. Still knocking the big fish!! Just added the past 2 days fishing pics on the Rainy Lake Forum.