Mississippi River Pool 4 1/28-1/31

Well I finally made it home after a extended trip down to pool 4. I spent most of my time watching the bait shop at Evert’s, but I did sneek out a few afternoons to get in on some of the early season walleye action. Ma nature finally decided to break its grip on the bitterly cold that seems to be hanging around and give us some fishable weather.

The mid-day bite right now is on the slow side. With that said it doesnt mean that fish cant be caught during that time. Our saving grace for the mid-day bite was to pitch blades to the top of sand flats and work them off the edge and down the break line. We were working depths from 12′ down to 20′. A few key points that I found to work in our favor was to work the blade very very slow, almost painfully slow. I also noticed that if I pulled the blade a little farther (closer to 2 feet, instead of 6" to 1′) on each pull seemed to help. I contribute that to the fish being somewhat suspended still. By pulling a little farther it raises the blade higher therefore putting it above the fish, giving them a better chance to see and hit it.

The early morning or late afternoon bite seems to be the best as of right now. There was a number of presentations that I found to work. Our best presentation would have to have been pitching paddle tails. With the ultra clear water that we have right now the darker or more neutral colors have seemed to be the best. We also caught fish while pitching blades and also ringworms. We focused most of our pitching efforts to shorelines with either rock or sand with a slow taper to deeper water. Due to the amount of floating ice and frozen foam there was on friday afternoon we didnt get a chance to do any dragging so I can’t comment on that as of right now.

Here is a quick picture of a few of the rigs that got out during the warm weather on saturday. With warm weather and spring coming shortly hopefully, there are a few things to remember. First off, make sure your registration is up date, and you have all the required things in your boat (life jackets, throwable, etc.) It is always a good idea to charge all your batteries up a few days ahead of time to make sure they are still up to the challenge. With the warmer weather there will be more and more boats on the water so be sure to be curtious to others while out fishing.

Until next time……………..


  1. Good report Eric! The fish are definitely there but until we get some more flow and the water dirties up a little the mid day bite is challenging to say the least. Did you hear if the bite picked up Saturday evening. I would have loved to stayed but the boy had to work so we left about the time we should have been putting in. It was good chatting with you! Those 225 paddletails seemed to trigger a few bites for us during the mid day doldrums so I can’t wait to see how they do when the bite picks up. I’m sure I’ll be seeing you in the near future.

  2. Good report Eric Glad to see you managed a little play time while watching the shop for Dean, I would think when the warmer waether hits mid week things should pick up a bit more.

    Heard rumors of a 12 lb walleye caught up there over the weekend ,any chance of pics ? Maybe I missed the post?


  3. Trumar, I’m not positive but I think the first picture in Eric’s post is the 12 pounder! If I am wrong then Eric can correct me when he checks in here.

  4. Yes, that is the rumored 12 lber. Sorry about the picture quality, it didnt really do the fish justice.
    I have not yet heard on how saturday afternoon, or sunday went yet. I should know more on that by tonight.

    Good seeing you again rich and jr.

  5. Yesterday was painfully slow for us….zero fish and that was a first ever for our boat on Pool 4, but it was a great day to be on the water….our first outing for 2009.

  6. Seeing Jon’s face when that 12 pounder first came into view was priceless! With 7 odd feet of water clarity right now, the bite is tough–but a great time also to go outside the box and really figure things out because they are catchable.
    My advice to anyone is rent Dean’s fish camera and go looking–with this clarity you will see the fish, learn how to better read your electronics well as learn to read the river; answer all your questions as to “are they even down there?”.


  7. It was tough for us on Sat. worst trip for me. I didn’t have a bite. My dad caught 4 fish a nice sauger a small eye and tiny sauger 1 football smallie. I had a issue with trolling motor not sure what it is. As for the weather hard to beat in Febuary. I hope to get out and get a few fish. I have never not had a bite on Pool 4 it was just all the bsn with the trolling motor. I have never had trouble with boat when the old man is not there so fair 3-4 times had issues with something he must just be a jingce.
    End of week hope to get down again with a fully operational boat.

  8. Nice post! Makes me excited about the upcoming pool 4 spring posts with 14 pounders everywhere. Nice post and congrats on that 12 pound toad!!

  9. Nice fish there guys!
    Eric,I have noticed when you take pictures of Jon or Jim they seem pretty tight lipped.
    Does Jon talk much when he fishes with you guys??

  10. With more and more people fishing around this area, please remember to think about releasing some of those 20″ on up females. Without our good breading fish we will not have big walleyes to catch.

  11. Quote:

    With more and more people fishing around this area, please remember to think about releasing some of those 20″ on up females. Without our good breading fish we will not have big walleyes to catch.

    Rest assured that no fish over 19″ gets kept in my boat. The only fish pictured that was kept was the last one and that was 19″. I stronly agree that the more fish we release the better and better the fishing will be for years to come. I also let all possible females go that you can tell are females.
    A great reminder for everyone though

  12. Quote:

    Nice fish there guys!
    Eric,I have noticed when you take pictures of Jon or Jim they seem pretty tight lipped.
    Does Jon talk much when he fishes with you guys??

    I think you know the answer to that Stuart

  13. nice fish,wish I wasnt 6hrs away.I have a question is everts the only place to get the smaller paddletails.

  14. Quote:

    nice fish,wish I wasnt 6hrs away.I have a question is everts the only place to get the smaller paddletails.

    That is correct He may also be able to ship if you cant make it down there

  15. Quote:

    nice fish,wish I wasnt 6hrs away.I have a question is everts the only place to get the smaller paddletails.

    We sure can ship….and do quite often any of our products.The new B-fish colors are in stock as well!Let us know if we can be of help.

  16. Nice fish guys ! Also thanks for the report Eric. Is Jon tight lipped now that was funny .Would love to make it up to fish this sat, but im boatless .I cant wait tell freeze your butt .I will be up soon may drive up sat just to say hi and get outa here for the day.

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