Roy Lake Fishing and Snowmobiling Report


All I can say is:………….”What a Month”: Blizzards that wouldn’t quit, ice that is at least 26” deep, and snow up to about 24”. I think we may be at the end of the blizzards for at least a couple of weeks according to the weather forecast: Sun, 20+ temperatures (day time) and hopefully no wind. This is supposed to last for a while. Perfect fishing weather and great snowmobiling, but you should bring your sun glasses if the weatherman is right.

The fish above were caught last Thursday, Friday & Saturday so as you can see crappies are really biting.

Because it is difficult to get on the lakes with all of the snow it is suggested that you have a snowmobile. Someone has plowed a road out past the long bar and also down the west side of the long bar. They just did that yesterday. So on Roy you can drive on the plowed road, but you would still need to bring a shovel so you can set up your house without blocking traffic. There is also a road plowed out into the back bay as well. This certainly helps on Roy. I don’t know if anyone has done it on the other lakes. If you don’t have a snowmobile, you can always hire Gary and/or Scott for guiding and the snowmobile comes with it. They have been very successful catching fish with their customers which makes for a good fishing trip.


We have always had the best snowmobile trail outside of the Black Hills, but the last few years we just didn’t have enough snow. What makes our trail nice is that goes around the lakes into some very pretty terrain. You also can find places to eat and drink at the Resort or Lake City or Buffalo Lake and Eden. Eden also has gas. What more could one ask for! The trail is groomed and has plenty of snow. Normally, when people are looking for trails they don’t look at Lake City….instead they check snow conditions for Sisseton or Aberdeen. We are very different and it is always best to call the Resort. We are 1800 elevation and about 15 sq. miles of gorgeous terrain. The other areas around us are the flats and are just different for snow conditions.

If you enjoy snowmobiling, and don’t really want to use the trail, just stay on the lake. It is beautiful out there and should keep your family busy.

The pictures that I have included are just after the blizzard, we do blow snow, but I just thought it was pretty and included those pictures in this report.

I look forward to hearing from you,


605-448-5498 [email protected]

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  1. I have been to Jan’s Roy Lake Resort 3 times in the last 18 months. One of the nicest fishing resorts I’ve ever seen. Do not be afraid to take your wife or kids. My wife is a clean freak and she loved the duplex! Anyway, back to fishing. I’d suggest getting Gary to point you to where the fish are biting. He’s awesome. We fished Roy and 5-6 surrounding lakes, all within 15 minutes of Roy and caught walleye, northerns, crappie, perch, and big smallies. On one trip I didn’t catch one smallie under 16 inches. Yikes!
    I was there last June when a storm blew the docks away from Jan’s resort – the same day Tony Dean was there. Jan obviously had a major logistical and financial loss that night, but she still went out of her way to make sure us guys were having a good time. She’s a keeper. Don’t dream of going there someday. Call her and book it…. if she has room. Schedule Gary too.

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