It is Lights Out, Hammer Down, Knock out, Drag out BIG FISH TIME here on THE Rainy Lake!! As of this report 7 walleyes over 27inches in the past 7 days have been warmed up, digitalized and released by Rainy Daze Customers!! Biggest Walleye measuring in at 29 1/8 and 29.5 inches. The big fish are cooperating when being located underneath nearby schools of suspended ciscoes. Thus many of the bigger fish are being caught suspended while your "Eater fish" tend to be seeking cover close to the bottom (Who can blame them). Trust me if you were swimming amongst the Rainy Lake beasts you would seek shelter also!! It’s scary out there!!
Rainy Lake is the defination of structure, so don’t for a second think you will just flip over your Otter and start reeling in fish. Rainy Lake is flat out loaded with amazing structure, and the key is utilizing your handheld loaded with the latest and greatest Lakemasters Chip with the one foot contours "THE GREATEST OF EQUALIZERS". Having this chip in your arsenol will greatly increase your chances to pinpoint the spot on spot it takes to drop the hammer on these big girls. We’ve had the best success locating our customers just off rock piles in mud/boulder transition areas. The Mud/Clay flats adjacent to these areas are teaming with big fish ready to put on the "Bite and Fight!"
Once you nail down the pattern you need to get these monsters to pull the trigger. Keep these things in mind here on Rainy lake. DARK DARK DARK…….LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT Rainy is a dark tea stained lake "BLACK TEA" in areas, and with the heavy snow blanket the visibility is very low. Glow Lightning Spoon through Custom Jigs and Spins have iced 5 of our biggest beasts!! I prefer to utilize the 1/8 oz. size while fishing in a house, and use the 1/4 oz. when hole hopping!! The 1/4 oz. will allow you to fish through some slush on a line of holes while getting on marked fish much faster!! The other nice thing about 1/4 oz is it is my quick strike rig meaning that sometimes as you drop jigging spoons they will wander to the edge of your transducer range. When time is of the essence and your trying to match up with the huge blob on your Marcum it is imperitive to know where your presentation is. A bigger spoon will mark much easier for QUICK HITTING!! Glow Red, Orange and Yellow or on clear days a gold variety has been working very well. FYI Dead Sticks soaking shinners 5 feet of the bottom have been very productive also!!
This is the best "BIG FISH" bite I’ve seen in recent years, and we’ve also been having a blast battling huge Eel Pout after dark. Between the monster pike and Walleyes, and the nighttime Pout the bite here on Rainy is RED HOT!! Check out this monster 38 inch/14.5lb TOAD!! So…. Take a vacation, Call in Sick, or Quit your job there is a 30 incher calling you to Rainy Lake!! Your next shorelunch is on Rainy Lake!! ICE STYLE!!
Nice report Chris…looks like the Lake is putting out some nice fish
nice fish
Another great read Mr. Daze
That is the best looking CJS hat I have ever seen
nice Walleyes 

What a pout, huge and primitive lookin’ critter to say the least
That is one impressive eel pout!
That indeed is quite the pout!! Holy potatoes! Oh, the walleyes aren’t bad either.
Chris posted a video of this big pout in the Rainy Lake forum.
Here’s the link >>>