This weekend was awesome, I started off Saturday fishing some new areas. I heard from anglers the popular spots that I have been fishing was slow. So I decided to try some new areas I haven’t fished for awhile. It paid off, I started fishing in the channel which is the deepest water from 10 to 14 FOW. Sometimes hard bottom and sometimes not, it really didn’t matter this day. The best bait was a toss up between live bait and plastics. It was a sauger and walleye mix day. By this picture on the right you can tell plastics won the battle on this fish with a 3/8oz Zone-R nuckle Ball jig with 4 inch Chart Ringworm. Read the rest of my report and see how plastics hammered the fish on Sunday.
I only fished from 7:30 AM to 12:30 PM on Saturday and caught 15 to 20 walleye, sauger mixed which all were CPR on this day. Most of the fish ranged from 15 to 18 inches like this nice walleye I released in the picture on the left. This fish was caught with 3/8oz Zone-R in the black/orange color with a fathead. All my fish were caught in deep water in the channel on the edges and I would say jigs and minnow won this day. I was looking for good numbers of fish in the eater size for a client that I was taking out on Sunday. So I new I found the spot so I wrapped up the day and went home to get ready for work.
Sunday was going to be a special day for me with this client. His name is Chuck Berray and he lives out of a wheel chair. Anytime I can put a smile on a handicap anglers face it make it a special day for me. Chuck and I started off about 9:30 AM and went right to the spot I was at Saturday. I started Chuck off fishing with a lindy no snag sinker and 12 inch leader with a glow white hook tipped with a fathead. And before I could get my poles in the water Chuck had two in the boat. After I got going I started to really hammer the fish on 3/8oz Zone-R jig with four inch purple ringworm with a chart tail. So it didn’t take Chuck and myself long to figure out that this was a ringworm day.
Most of are fish were saugers this day and all the fish were caught in 10 to 14 FOW in the channels. Sunday was a awesome bite and I would say between Chuck and I we caught over forty fish all between 15 to 17 inch fish. It was great not to have to put minnow on a jig. The ringworm bite was unreal and Chuck and I ended up with some nice fillets for dinner. It was great getting to know Chuck and we had lots to talk about. This is one trip Chuck and I will not forget for a long time. Chuck is a true angler and a great guy. Chucks thank you for spending a great day on the water with me. The best part we were home for the Packer game. How about those Packer, GO PACK.
Just remember SAFETY first and everyday will be a great day on the water. Until next time keep your line vertical and set the hook hard. <img src="" alt="" />
All photos can be clicked on for a larger view
Nice Job Jeff
I Think You Aught Start Looking At Going Pro
Thanks We Fish, as far as going PRO, not in this life time. It’s to bad you couldn’t go with me Saturday. You must try and get out with me and check out this plastic bite, it’s a blast. The ringworm works great, Thanks B-Fish-N Tackle Co.
I commend you efforts to get everyone on the water. Way to go!!
Good luck on the water and maybe I will see you this weekend. I your catch changed my mind about putting the boat away.
Good fishing.
Thank You Diesel, I’m going to try and get out this weekend on the water. but most of my time will be spent in the woods going after the 30 pointer. But I really want to get out before that cold front that’s moving in Monday. This weekend should be a awesome bite so take advantage of it. The saying putting your boat away, that’s a bad sentence in our house hold. Hope to see you out this weekend, keep your head low and wear visible colors..