Like many of anglers I had some unused vacation time to use up before the end of 08. As much as I enjoy fishing different bodies of water I will always have a soft spot for shallow backwaters of the Mississippi. I was fortunate enough to finish the end of 08 fishing pools 3,4,5,8 and also spent a couple of days in the Rice Lake Wisconsin area. The fishing was nothing short of fantastic everywhere I went, I managed to get into some quality walleyes, crappies, gills, perch, pike, and bass. I usually spend my time on the ice by myself, though I got a call from a good friend Mike Walerick looking to get on some crappies and found some impressive fish. Mike managed to ice this hogzilla that went over the 15" mark. We are very fortunate to have a world class fishery in the backwater pools of the mississippi.
Ice Conditions are in good shape right now, I was able to travel to many of my favorite areas with my ATV. In most places I found around 12 inches of ice and the channel areas were frozen solid with 6 to 9 inches. Being able to be mobile on my ATV sure seems to make tings alot easier. I am not a big fan of fishing in crowds especially in shallow water, nothing can throw a wrench to a shallow water crappie bite faster than somebody drilling a bunch of holes in your back pocket. When I get to the area plan to fish I punch about 15-20 holes, after canvassing the area I either refine and perfect my presentation or fire up the ATV and move on. Here is a nice pair of crappies that fell victim to my favorite rocker jig.
Along with a good crappie bite I was also able to find some very nice gills. I had a tough time finding the big sumo gills that lurk in the backwaters. I have found good numbers of 7-9 inch fish but I usually can stick some of those big bulls pushing 10 inches plus at least a few times per year. I have no complaints with getting a 8-9 inch bull, but I kind of have my gears grinding locating those big hogs. I guess thats why they call it fishing and not catching right! My best presentation for the gills has been fishing small moon and rocker jigs tipped with spikes.
It’s been nice to see the quality of perch that pool 4 has been kicking out over the last few years. In fact I have noticed a improvement on pools 3-9 over the last few years. If my memory serves me right I noticed some perch hitting the 2lb. mark coming out of pool 8. I still am amazed of the quality fishery we have here in SE Minnesota, I have always believed that if you spend more time on the ice rather than driving all over the state in you truck you will consistantly see better results. Fishing shallow backwater areas of the Mississippi can be challenging at times but the rewards are worth it.
Tight lines,
Nice job!!
Were you on the upper or lower end of 4? 
Great report Joe, those slabs are absolutely huge!
Upper pool 3, lower pool 4, upper pool 5, lower pool 8.
Nice report, GREAT fish!
Huge slabs, Congrats
Great fish! I’ve been watching some of the most popular pool 4 spots and until this weekend it’s been quiet. I was afraid the bite was really bad but you proved me wrong.
nice fish guys
Nice slabs….
How does driving your four-wheeler in the backwaters work? Can you drive it anywhere? I thought someone told me once that you could only drive on the surface of the ice.
That is correct, many of the backwaters are wildlife refuge areas. If you even put one tire on the WRA you will get a ticket. With the ice in as good of condition as it is along with the melt down and freeze up limiting the snow you can basically travel to many of areas that used to require a 2-3 mile walk. It also allows you to bring gear that you normally wouldn’t bring because when you are hiking those kind of distances you want to travel as light as possible. I usually carry 1 bucket and a hand auger, so being able to have a shack, power auger, heater, Marcum, Minnows, excess rods rigged, a lunch box and drive to the spot on the spot as if you were in a boat sure simplifies the situation.
Great report Joe
I have thought of fishing some of the back waters are there any the you can walk into? You can e-mail me [email protected]
You did’nt drive under the tressel did you?
Congrats on the Great Crappies and BG.