Mississippi River Minnesota Pool 2 Fishing Report

This will be just a quick “update” report as I will be following up later this week with more in-depth information on the bite. Pool 2 right now if finally starting to crank up to full speed with fish showing all the signs that they are in there fall locations feeding on all their traditional fall presentations. Wingdams are by far the best bet right now for putting numbers as well as big fish in the boat consistently. Rip rap and backwaters have not proven as good as they can be for me on recent trips. These can be very good this time of year so keep an eye out for these areas to be either on/off on your next trip out. The size and quanity you can expect on a good day of wingdam hunting would be around 15-25 fish with lots of 16-22 inch fish and a small handful of larger 24-29 inch fish!

The wingdams with considerable flow on them have been particular favorites lately for the walleyes as they have started to stack up pretty good with plenty of numbers coming from each dam. Re-visiting wingdams periodically can prove more fish as they will continuously move up and down off the wingdam. My best presentation by far has been Jimmy D’s hair jigs in the 1/8-1/4oz sizes, with green and purple being the colors of choice for producing these marble eyes. I have been fishing these hair jigs more and more in after dark situations and have continued to be amazed how well they work in twilight conditions. Not just for daytime use anymore!

As mentioned above, look for a more “in-depth” report later this week as I will be touching more on the wingdam bite and what you can expect to see for the weeks to come!

For more information on the hair jigs that I am using to take these nice fish, go to my website and click on Jimmy D’s River Bugs!


  1. What kind of camera setup do you use. I have seen you alone several times in the last week. I have tried taking self photos with poor photo results.

  2. DeeZee,

    Nice fish there bud !!!

    Do you think your picking up more fish on the hair vs. plastics up on your pool ? and if so why ?

  3. hi Steve, thanks for the good report, that Bigun sure looks longer than 29 inches, wow.
    what are the descent ramps in use now. should be staying mild on the temps, so would quess the good fishing will continue. thanks Jack.

  4. Hey Steve, nice report, still waiting on the follow up, actually just curious, is anyone trying casting cranks to the wingies still?

  5. Troll4it,

    The camera I use has been the Sony Cyber shot digital camera. It has a self timer on it that I set up and it takes alright pictures. I am by no means an expert as I have to adjust some setting for optimum results. We have some very knowledgable staff people on board here that could give you everything you need to know about dig. cameras and more!!


    As far as the ramps go. THe 494 ramp is still open for use with both sides of the ramp open for use. The dock is still in as well. It should remain in for awhile yet or at least until we get some considerable ice on the river… Willy’s Harbor which is just down river from the 494 on the east side of the river is also a good ramp to use this time of year. Nice ramp and parking, but this area can be subject to ice up if conditions are right. The Lilydale ramp is a good one to use for bigger boats if you plan to fish the upper part of Pool 2.


    I have had minimal success pitching the wingdams with cranks in recent trips. I did have one evening about a week ago that I had a flurry of good fish caught on Smithwick Deep Suspending Rogues pitched to the wingies. Once you feel the rocks slow your retrieve down to a crawl speed and even stall the lure in place for a bit after you bump a rock.

    My latest report is up and online now as we speak!

    The bite is on!!

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