Kansas fall trolling -still fun!

With all the great reports of fall trolling on the pond up north this week, I headed….south. I wasn’t able to make it north this year, but fellow IDOer Sharkbait (Chris) invited me down to fish Saturday with him and his kids Cody and Nikky. I took him up on his offer and as a result, we had a great time.

Chris posted a report last week on IDO that really turned me on. If you click on the link in the below post, you’ll see why. They were catching some real nice flatties with a few wipers and walleyes mixed in. But anytime you’re trolling up 20lb + flatties, that’s a good time. So I was anxious to make the 80 mile trip down south to check it out. We encountered a real nice day with just a little breeze that actually turned out to help us with our fish. No flatties were had this time, but the wipers sure were!

If you aren’t familiar with wipers, they are a cross between a white and striped bass. They are very hard chargers, and when you get a decent fish, all you can really do is hold on and wait for them to give you an opportunity to gain some line on them. I imagine we caught 9 or 10 fish all afternoon (slow by Chris’ standards), but they provided a lot of fun. Chris stuck with trolling his Lund all day, and we focused on one main area where the wipers had moved into, which was helped by the wind, no doubt. The wipers weren’t real picky, but they did prefer a couple Shad Raps and stick baits over a few other baits. One particular color seemed hot for a while, and it was hit numerous times with a few hook ups as well. We also trolled up one walleye that came unbuttoned just behind the motor, but the wipers ruled the day. Like I say, no flatheads were reeled in, but I do suspect that maybe I did have a run-in with one. Right before dark we were headed in, and my line tightened up, and it sure felt like a snag, as flatheads like to do that. I didn’t get much of a chance, and my line twitched and my hot stick bait was a goner. We were in deeper water with a lot of marks on the graph, and Chris knows this area well and said there really is no snag in that area where our baits were. So….who knows. Maybe that was the 50 pounder!

Although Chris has been fishing this lake for years as a recreational fisherman and guide and has seen many days that were better than this one, I sure did not complain one bit. I don’t fish for wipers much, but I have caught quite a few on Elwood Res back when the water was normal and the fish were plentiful, 4-5 years ago. With that lake being down 50′ the past 4 years, the NE Game & Parks has stated that it’s taken a particularly hard hit on the big wiper population. When I was catching 22 and 23 inchers, they were nice fish, but I sure don’t remember them being as thick as these fish from Norton were. These were the nicest wipers I’ve caught in probably 4 years or so. With our weather turning bad tomorrow night and dropping to forecasted lower 30s Tues and Wed nights, I know that’ll definitely throw our fish for a loop. Otherwise, I’d be headed back down this next weekend as well! So, thank you very much Chris and gang for a great trip, and I can’t wait to fish this great lake again.

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Brian Robinson


  1. HERE is the link to Chris’ earlier report where some nice fish were caught, as well as another pic. Chris is one great guy, as some of you up north have found out as he made the trip to the pond last fall and fished with James and a few others. His kids are great to fish with -as you can see, they get right into the thick of things!Thanks again Chris!

  2. Great report Brian. The cold front is coming but I think it will really help our fall bite to finally get under way in this part of the country. If we get a warm up next week you can bet I’ll leave the tree stand for the lake for a couple of days!

  3. Good report Brian.. I read Chris’s report a day or to ago, and felt sorry for his daughter having to hold all of them fish. Actually it appeared like the kids were having a blast. I am in eastern Kansas and the water temp is about 7 degrees warmer… I can’t wait for it to cool another 15 or 20 degrees


  4. Good report Brian.. I read Chris’s report a day or to ago, and felt sorry for his daughter having to hold all of them fish. Actually it appeared like the kids were having a blast. I am in eastern Kansas and the water temp is about 7 degrees warmer… I can’t wait for it to cool another 15 or 20 degrees


  5. Thanks guys! Ya we missed going north this year Chris, but hopefully next year we’ll be able to. If our weather straightens out down here we might try the night trolling thing down here.

    And Twister, you wouldn’t believe those kids, they just get right in there! They were great to fish with and they’ve already caught more big fish than a lot of people have all their lives. Crazy.
    I see you on here quite a bit Twister…we’ll have to fish together down there one of these days.

    Speakin of that…when you showin up, BK??!?

  6. Great post Brian. I only live an hour from Sebelius. Wondering how long this bite goes on – clear until ice up? Also wondering about the boat ramps there as I know the lake is very low. Any info you could give us would be appreciated.

  7. The lake is up over 8.5 ft this year. The leota cove ramps are fine.This bite is hit and miss and mostly hit year round.

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