October Fest is in full swing as GIANT Rainy Lake walleyes are lined up for the parade while marching sigle file directly into the Daze Fish Casket for a little “Smile Your On IDO!!” NICE!! We have pinned down a pattern and been helped greatly by……. FALL!! As we head out in the morning with frost on the windshield of the boat it makes you feel TOUGH!! We now look more like the WALLEYE HUNTERS we truly are with our Warm Camo Bibs and heavy jackets… U WANT A LITTLE BIT OF ME??? LOL!! Has to put a smile on your face as you know your putting in the time for a possibility of the true trophy!! It is kind of like the 2nd week of deer camp when all the rest of the boys are now sleeping in, but you are still out in your stand before light!! There is no substitute for time on trophy waters!! There truly is no better time for targeting big girls than right now! This is THE period for LIGHTS OUT, Hammer Down, Pig Pullin!!. Can’t let yourself get frustrated during this period as this timeframe isn’t really a numbers game. Want 100 walleyes a day then come at a different period, and sit back and sip your cocunut drinks while catching fish. You can fill up on 11 to 16 inch fish and boat some slots then. When the Water temps are plummeting many fair weather walleye fisherman are watching football on Sunday; RU KIDDING ME??. Veteran walleye anglers know this is an optimum timeframe to land the true Freak of nature the true Gi-Normous BEAST, and it could be the next cast or the next spot…. Optimism is essential for a fishing guide!!! LOL!! When I was young I met a guide from Lake Erie whom told me he had landed 100 walleyes over 10lbs. As a youngster I nearly dropped over!! He told me 95% of those fish were caught with his snowmobile suit on!! Now we’d likely be wearing Ice Armour or Sno Suits… But you smell what I’m stepping in!! The past 11 days have yieded 11 walleyes over 27 inches with 5 over 10lbs!! This is the paradigm of walleye fishing right now. Kudos to all the Daze Clients as they were all CPR’D!!! I have no problem if customers want to skin mount a legal trophy, but also tip the Daze Cap when anglers bask in the glory of their monster for a brief moment (WHILE HOLDING THERE BREATH), and taking great digitals and letting her swim. You can always make a great replica, and if you let that 31 go you might have played a part in growing the next state record!! I truly believe Rainy Lake has the genes in some fish to produce a new state record in the next couple years. If the stars align, and we get another late spring where there are still few monster females whom haven’t dropped spawn before the opener LOOK OUT!! That is what it is going to take, and you can see some of these fish are heavy for the lengths. Add some spawn weight…. Hmnnn… That gets me fired up!!!
We have been on a mission looking for big females, and once figuring out the pattern we have been able to fine tune it day in and day out in accordance with the weather patterns. Pretty basic really that you need to decipher what the big females are feeding on. Once that is determined where are the baitfish. Here is where I think many anglers get in trouble. So when you have clearly figured out the pattern that puts you on the fish, and what they are chasing in that specific area you need to close the deal by using a technique most suited for the day. FYI there are always multiple patterns taking place on complex fisheries like Rainy. Fish the one you enjoy the most. I’m a JIG GUY, so yep that is what I will focus on. Always felt it was better to be a master at one thing than average on a BUNCH!! So the Daze Boat is fine tuning a big female pattern that has the fish chasing ciscoes and smelt. There is no doubt a pattern exists here where trophy fish are after perch also!! Maybe next year……We have fished a front filled couple weeks. Yep it is fall, but fronts still impact the moods of big eyes. I fully believe the females are chasing Ciscoes and smelt that are pushing 5-6 inches now as I have seen the evidence in the livewell,net, and on my electronics. With that being said when you find the fish in a negative situation possibly weather induced or time of the day you need to alter your program. Theory has always told Walleye Anglers BIG BAIT in the fall. Heck I’m a big fan of it, and will preach it myself until IT ISN’t WORKING!! If you know your on BIG FEMALES, and your not catching them I might suggest switching up the game. I am much more anxious to switch bait sizes than any other thing. Rainy is a complex fishery, and those whom have fished it with some regularity understand year in and year out the fish migrate to different areas. Last years hot spots may yield ZERO the next. This is why patterning the fish, and then use your LakeMaster chips and electronics to help confirm your gameplan. Trust me with 220,000 acres of water MUCH OF IT IS DEAD WATER. Eliminating structure is a daunting task on big waters like these while humbling some the greatest of walleye fisherman on a weekend trip.
The two biggest fish this week were turned on 1/8 oz H20’s, so needless to say BOAT CONTROL IS CRITICAL. The big fish are holed up in tight locations, and if your not able to hover your boat on these spots you will not catch the fish. H20’s which I am nearly out of after the past couple weeks have been tipped with crappie minnows!! Well there you go then. Contrary to what most would suggest. We had a wide variety of baits being utilized including shinners and rainbow chubs, but our crappie minnows were utilized for our biggest negative mood female walleyes!! Sometimes as anglers we realize that impressive fish or livewells don’t always come on great bites. Truth of the matter is fish do not feed all day, and fish do turn off with rapidly changing weather conditions. When this happens don’t be afraid to experiment, and trust your electronics. Kudos to Team Rochester for fishing through a a stage of rapidly decreasing water temps, and adjusting gameplans for great results!!! NICE!! I really like gold color patterns during the fall, but am still always fishing what the walleyes want that day vs what I think looks kinda pretty!!(I’ve Tried H20’s in multiple colors, and I didn’t think they were all that tastey, so I’m gonna leave it up to walleyes to tell me what they want for dinner!!) Color selections change day to day and sometime during the day. Let the fish dictate your techniques and lure selections.
After chasing the big walleyes it was a nice change of pace heading after some Rainy Lake Slabs. The giant papermouths are still to be had, but are not simply jumping into the boat. Fine tuning your presentation, and the willingess to try different techniques often times will determine day to day success or failures. Here is Team Rochester after a full day chasing big walleyes, and a couple hours fishing for Crappies. Looks like a big shorelunch is in the future of this team!! I’d like to thank Team Rochester for another memorable trip, and look forward to Januarys Ice Fishing Excursion!!! Look out Walleyes your not safe yet!! Still Blowing hard from the Border, and still rufflin some feathers!! Rainydaze Guide Service Awaits you!! From the waters of BIG FISH and small crowds!! Still kind of a secret!! SHHHHHHHHHHHH!! Trips still available here in October!!
Great Report
Looks like you’ve found the pot ‘o gold at the end of the rainbow

Those are some incredible walleyes Daze! Congrats on some really nice eyes! I will be back on the walleyes in a few weeks as the smallies start to cool down! Thansk for getting me revved up!
Great read and pics once again Daze, you are on some piggy’s

Those are some dandy walleyes Daze!
Congratulations guys!
What you ran out of H20 jigs. By golly you are a busy Bee
NICE JOB !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Uncle Touchy
You know your never really out… Just out of the ones you use. LOL!!