Mississippi River Smallmouth bass report 9-17-08

What a difference a few days can make this time of year when chasing smallies on river systems. All summer long the fish seemed to be about as predictable as the next morning sunrise. Well this past weekend started out with a big change in the weather. With cool nights starting to set in and a couple all day rains set the mood quickly as the fish completely changed their behavior pattern in a couple days to dictate patterns for the rest of the fall periods. The swim jig bite that I had going the last several weeks proved to be pretty much non-existent for my boat for the weekend and changes needed to take place in order to salvage a days fishing. As good as the swim jig bite has been I was a little reluctant to change over. Typically the fish had been a little reluctant to chase early on and by 11:00am or so the fish would flip a switch…..not so this weekend and I think this change is here to stay for the most part.

With a couple of soggy days of fishing Saturday and Sunday and scrounging up 12-15 fish per day, Monday morning I had better swallow my pride and look for a alternate presentation and sense the transition in the fish behavior. The few fish we caught each day on Sat/Sun proved to show me that these fish were no longer hanging around these fast moving current slick areas. The better fish came consistently from the slower water adjacent to these areas. This told me a lot and that I better stay on the move and find those key spots where fish like to congregate this time of year for my best chance at some good fishing.

Monday morning came to a chilly 35 degrees and I knew I had my work cutout for me. With some presentation tweaks and location shifts we were back in the game in a big way and the fish responded. Instead of having one fish here and one fish there down a shoreline or on a structure, they were all bunched up like they should be setting up for the long haul of fall/winter on its way. Light weighted YUM Finesse tubes and YUM 4” Dingers were our key to success for the next several days. Slower water of 4-10 fow adjacent to even deeper water nearby seemed to be the key to success for us. Boating big smallies and seeing even bigger ones chasing those to the boat is a thrill every angler need to see in his/her lifetime. On several occasions the stickworm would slide up the line and another follower would swim up and pluck it off the line. That’s how aggressive these fish can be this time of year.

As a reminder Minnesota has a statewide catch and release restriction in place for all smallmouth bass and all fish caught (regardless of size) must be returned to the water immediately. So careful handling of these fish is a must to ensure our future of this wonderful resource.

Look ahead as some of the best fishing is upon us! Take advantage while you can as we all know fall in Minnesota can mean 80 degrees one day and 35 degrees and snow the next. Either way these fish know what’s coming and are starting to feast!


  1. Awesome fish! You mean MN has complete CPR on smallies everywhere or is it on certain bodies of water during certain time frames?? Just curious about your regs over there.

    I really wish we could do something similar to protect more of our bass here in WI

  2. Steve-
    My brother and I had an absolute blast with you on a cold and crappy Sunday. We will have to do it again under more favorable conditions. The RiverPro is nothing short of amazing! Did you by chance find some sunglasses left behind in your rig?

  3. Thanks for the report Steve. Does the color of the plastics seem to make much difference most days? What color(s)in the tubes and worms would you recommend?



  4. Quote:

    You mean MN has complete CPR on smallies everywhere or is it on certain bodies of water during certain time frames?? Just curious about your regs over there.

    Yes Mn has a statewide regulation for smallmouth bass.
    09/08/08 – 02/22/09 Smallmouth Bass – 2008 catch and release season. It sure helps protect these fish at one of their most vulnerable seasons. This was a welcoming regulation years ago in my book! On several occassions we catch the same fish 3-4 times over a 2 month span.


    My brother and I had an absolute blast with you on a cold and crappy Sunday. We will have to do it again under more favorable conditions. The RiverPro is nothing short of amazing! Did you by chance find some sunglasses left behind in your rig?

    Glad you and your brother had a good time. It was a miserable cold rainy and windy day we were dealt. Amazing what some more stable weather and a little sun will do to these fish this time of year. As for glasses, I did not find any glasses left behind. I will keep my eyes peeled for ya buddy!


    Thanks for the report Steve. Does the color of the plastics seem to make much difference most days? What color(s)in the tubes and worms would you recommend?

    IF you would have asked me that question on Sat/Sun I would have said????? From the response we got from the fish over the following days it seemed they wanted the smoke/red pepper and alewife (more natural) finesse tubes. Due to some of the cover we chose to texas rig our tubes to slither them through the timber and vegetation structure.

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