Sometimes you are torn with what to fish this time of year. Big Pike, Walleye and Smallmouth have been my main focus for the past 3 months. Today I gave those Rainy Lake Trophies the day off to chase some September Slabs!! Rainy Lake Crappies are some of the most beautiful crappies in the world. I love doing battle with these giant papermouths with ultra light gear. During the spring we absolutely pounded the fish with Shrimpos and Ratsos. During todays trip we focused on Flu Flu’s. What a fantastic jig set up!!! We found the 1/16 oz. Pink or Black was HOT!! The sparkle strand in the feathers really gives it a nice flash in the water. I chose to add two small plastic “Wedgees”. I used white Wedgees with the pink Flu Flu and Black Wedgees with the Black Flu Flu. We had our best success tipping these with shinners. Had far better results with this set up than a simple jig and minnow!
As is almost always the case duplicating an effective pattern in different locations away from more popular spots seems to increase your success rates. Many people are trolling beatle spins around. We found pitching Flu Flu’s much more effective. In fact we boated around 70 Crappies in a half days fishing. Most of our fish measured 12 inches with a few bigger and some smaller.
Crappies will tend to gather in the deeper holes of areas your fishing. Not all deep holes hold fish. If fishing main lake Crappies this time of year I’ve found 32 feet to be key. If fishing bay or river Crappies I’ve found 11-13 feet to be magic. Locating active schools of slabs is only effectively done with a quality graph. Without that you are throwing darts. Might make a connection every once in a while, but there is a reason people get so fired up about big slab Crappies. Crappies can be the hardest fish to catch and the easiest. Getting on the big pods of fish which haven’t received massive amounts of pressure is key. Light precise presentations is critical to optimum success. In otherwords you can likely catch a few stragglers on many things in your tackle box, but officially putting the “Rainydaze Hammer Down” will require a refined presentation. Thanks Custom Jigs Our group today has a few meals soley based on your line-up…. AGAIN!!
SOOOOO… Catch monster walleyes, eat shore lunch, and bang some slabbers, eat supper, and chase some big pike. WOW!!! As a guide I for one am darn glad the fish don’t bite at night here on Rainy!!! These fall Crappies seldom get the press as the spring spawners. Maybe fish are tougher for many to find in the fall, or possibly many outdoorsman are putting down their rods in exchange for shotguns. I for one will only be putting down my fishing rod in exchange for the landing net. I’ve got a nice 16 inch Crappie with my name on it. Oh by the way we happened to land a fat 25 and 26 inch walleye today on our 1/16 oz. Flu Flu’s. You can bet that was a big battle on our ultra lights!!! Slab trips are still available!!!! Good Fishing!!!
Awesome looking specks
Very cool looking crappies. Those are some dandies…..not enough time in a year for this cat, but I would love to get into some of those for a day!
We were up for the weekend and fished Walleyes very little! The Crappie bite was on and we got into a mess of the same size Crappies. I was personnaly able to get two for the wall and plenty for shorelunch at the campsite!
Got into some more real nice slabs today. Pink Flu-Flu’s with or w/o minnows. Many 13 inch fish!
VERY nice fish Chris. Bet those 14 inchers were a blast on light tackle.
Thanks, Bill
Hey Bill,
In all honesty with Crappies in the 15 inch range not that uncommon most of the time I use a Med-Lite fast tip St.Croix. We’re pitching jigs, and without a little backbone your in trouble trying to make up any slack… I used to use 2lb mono, and was snapped off on big crappies numerous times, so now I use 2lb diameter Powerpro. Every once in a while you tie into a big walleye or pike also. Fair to say that these Rainy Lake Monsters are chasing some of the smaller crappies and perch. Yesterday put a fat 27 inch walleye in on 2lb Powerpro. Pretty good battle!