Labor Day Weekend Pool 4 Mississippi River

The Favorite Wife, the boys and myself spent Labor Day weekend relaxing at Everts…well, more correctly…in front of a campfire on the beaches of Everts Fishing Resort.

I’ve been down here a lot this summer either helping Deano out in the bait shop or guiding, but this time was different.

This time the FW and I spend the early mornings and evenings…sometimes both sitting in front of a campfire on the beach watching our fishing poles and talking with the guests and seasonal campers that would stop by. One night the FW even made our favorite beverage..Kaoke Coffee while the campfire crackled until some time around midnight.

The evenings were for fishing and socializing and the mornings were peaceful fishing. We said a number of times we couldn’t believe we were only 45 minutes from Mpls/St Paul. and 10 minutes from Red Wing. On of the seasonal campers commented on most people go up North for their vacations…and he added "I hope it stays that way".

As the sun came up each morning we were treated to turkey vulchers (actually they kept following me around ) numerous bald eagels, one golden eagle (they are HUGE), a pair of Sand Hill Cranes, deer swimming across the river and Fred along with her new mate. Fred or possibly Fredricka is a domesticated goose that took a liking to the Director of Everts Welcoming Committee, Mr. River Rat Randy Stevens. It’s kinda fun having a goose that will eat out of your hand and Freds mate, a Canadian Honker that comes within feet of you looking for a hand out too.

Fishing? Well compared to the fall and winter bite most would say fishing was slow.

I did hear reports of a 27 pound flathead coming from the Vermilion River area. The folks from IA staying in Cabin #4 picked up a 21, 24 and 26" walleye during their stay. Sunfish have been biting good. I’ve seen and heard of a few northerns being caught. One big carp. And of course the sheepies and channel cats are always plentiful.

Since the boat traffic was pretty much normal for a holiday weekend, it was sure nice to stay off the water and take advantage of a awesome front yard to fish and have a warm campfire to mark the unofficial end to the summer of 2008.

This weekend ushers in the start of the Lake Sturgeon season on the St. Croix and soon, the fall walleye/sauger bite and the Saugerama out of Everts.

See ya out on the water!

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Brian Klawitter

• First Person to be Knighted at the Spam Museum by Sir Can a Lot. • Founded The Minnesota Catfish and Sturgeon Alliance. • Networked to change the MN's Bullhead Bait length laws for Catfish Anglers • Networked to allow the use of cast Full Bio ›


  1. Hey Brian?
    Looks to me the crows feet are stuck in STINK bait in that picture

    On the serious side of things now…. My f/g and I enjoy camping on that beach and ya gotta have a fire for those Smores,Great to see you just enjoy some free time with family and friends Kinda nice to do isnt it


  2. Now that looks relaxing

    Wish we could have made it over but by the time we had #2 daughter moved into the dorm at River Falls, the wife and I just wanted to get our butts home to our refuge

    Maybe next trip up

  3. That’s what I told the FW Bret. When you’re moving your daughter in time gets a bit short. Don’t blame you….however I did want to talk to your wife.

  4. Brian,
    Rumors of my demise have been greatly exagerated—I am just recovering from a bad case of jet lag after wandering around the Outback for a month. I was tempted to wander down to Evert’s over the weekend to drop off a rod and visit but the call of the couch was too great. Your report kind of summed it up—Summer is over and the river reverts back to it’s rightful owners—us old river rats! You did perk up this old fart’s ears with one word—-Saugerama!!!! Let’s get September over with and get to the real fishing!
    By the way, your trailer buddy Dan just wandered by with his neck brace on—first time he has been to work in months—he looked none to happy by the way

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