Rainy Lake, Minnesota fishing report 8-28-08

As the mighty Rainy Lake water temps make a reversal the fishing continues to build momentum. Spot on Spot coupled with boat control played a big roll with either catching a lot of fish or no fish. As water temps have started to decline the loose schools of fish seemingly tightened up. Todays action was symbolic of this weeks action. Search Plan A,B,C and D structure with favorable wind. If the wind is intolerable or NOT FUN to fish in then we worked current. Never really run out of plans or optimism just daylight!!

On today’s half day trip we started pinning some big girls on the tip top of a micro sized hump. I like these humps to fish as they see significantly less pressure than well known reefs. The other thing is that they are typically only big enough for one boat to be positioned on the fish. Much Better to be catching than observing. Today we were faced with pre-front conditions which can turn fish on and off in an instant, and make fish move depths rapidly. We originally put the wood to the eyes in 20 feet, and minutes later followed the school to 40 feet as the fish sought shelter with changing barometric pressure. We had a small heart to heart with what is expected if we are to soak jigs in depths such as today. The boys responded perfectly, and we effectively caught and released some BEAUTIES on deeper pre-fall haunts. REELED THE FISH UP SLOOOOOOOOOOW!! More important to reel slow, and lose a fish without a doubt!! KUDOS BOYS!!!

A couple of days ago I had a customer pin me down on exactly what I am looking for when targeting fish for the day. He asked me what is the perfect condition…. Well in my experience the best possible scenario or the Paradigm of walleye fishing in the world according to Daze is the following. My number one producing spots which all have a varying degree of current flow with a strong wind howling directly into the current. This inversion of bottom disturbance can spark a frenzy of activity. My best days this year have had those 2 things in common. Trust me you can still fish wind and current and catch no fish, so it is imperative to have this disturbance on producing walleye structure. When this happens……….You Guessed it LIGHTS OUT!!!. a couple weeks ago we had the stars alligned precisely as described and we boated 40 walleyes over 20 inches on a 9-4 trip. Results like that aren’t common, but are definately possible.

Everyday is a bit different than the previous. Fish will move or simply change their attitude. The game becomes much more challenging with wind direction switches. When Ma Nature spins and blows more often than not you will be left with a small pod of fish in the past hot spot, some in the new windblown area, and some lost in between. These are the days you see a lot of boats running from spot to spot to spot to spot. LOL!! Trust me you will likely not pin down the hercules school on a day like that. These are days in which I will run the boat on top of smaller pods of fish unless I graph the the end game school in which you will see Rainydaze on top of the I/O like a walleye beacon putting the hammer down on the big girls. Great fishing with all the new groups this week, and look forward to sharing another day in this walleye factory in the near future!!! Fall is just around the corner, and so is that New State Record I have my heart set on. Oh FYI if I do drop the hammer on the next state record I will likely be taking a couple years off, so don’t delay… book today!! LOL!!


  1. Chris I can’t thank you enough for taking my grandpa and uncle out this morning!! My grandpa was very excited as this was the first time being out with a guide and a first catching walleyes that size. thank you for getting pics posted also, great seeing how they did while I am at work.
    Thanks again

  2. Trust me the pleasure was all mine!! We had a great time trading deer hunting stories, and of course talking fishing. Kudos to you for setting them up on a nice Rainy Lake Excursion!! I was very happy your grandpa landed some big fish !! They were very very nice guys. Good ole Minnesota boys!!! Too bad you couldn’t accompany them on this trip, but hopefully we can hook up some big girls sometime soon. Glad I could be part of their fun! I will have the Fishing Queen email you some pics if you PM me your email address you would like them to come to. Then maybe you can have a nice 8×10 made for your grandpa of that nice FOOTBALL!! That fish was a flat out FALL FOOTBALL!!! Beautiful fish!!! I thought I was going to have to grab his leg when it started spinning drag! LOL

    Take Care!!! The fishing is only going to get better til Deer camp!

  3. Just got back from a week on Rainy. Please NO MORE reports, the fishing is very poor on Rainy. Don’t anyone come up. Love going to different spots and NEVER have a boat on them. You are going to spoil everything. HAHA
    Think I saw you by American narrows before the storm on Thursday.

  4. Can’t remember where I was fishing yesterday let along Thursday!! LOL! Rainy if a very vast fishery. Education in catch and release is key to the future of all fisheries. Good Fishing!!!, and why aren’t you fishing here in the fall buddy??

  5. I will have to be there until freeze up now that my son C&R a 31″ walleye Saturday, can’t let him beat me. The picture should be in the Ifalls paper Friday. Fat as can be already. Can’t believe the fall is going to get any better than it is now.

  6. Hey Paul,

    Congrats on the Big fish!! Canada or Minnesota? This time of year forward just seems to produce more of the Big fish like that one, and the one I caught on the first day of September. Hope it is a good sign of things to come!!! You’ll work hard to top the 31. My biggest is 31 1/2, and I’ve been trying hard to top that, but haven’t been able to top it. I’m hoping this fall to make that happen. A nice 34 or 35 will do!!

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