Minnesota Muskie Report

I love this time of year! The days are getting shorter and the nights are starting to feel like fall is just around the corner. This only means one thing, the fish are going to put the feed bag on very soon.

I got a chance to hit the water last night with Dan Vogel, the owner of Dunwright Tackle. We hit the water with high hopes that the muskie God’s were going to shine on us! The weather was in our favor for hunting Lunge. Really good cloud cover and gusty winds, had both of us fired up for the days adventure.

When we hit the water, we noticed that the water temps had dropped about 5-6 degrees from our last trip. With the good wind we had yesterday we decided to start out working the deep edges looking for fish laying up. Our focus was on weeds in 15-18 feet of water, with wind blowing bait fish up into them. It took us about 45 minutes to set hooks into the first fish of the day. A healthy 43" that almost ripped the rod out of my hands when it hit. This fish was in about 15 feet of water, laying up on the deep weed edge when it ate a Dunwright Squirly Walleye. A quick photo and she was back to fight another day. A couple of high fives, a quick cold one for good measure, and we were back to huckin.

We switched gears a little and moved on to fish a big shallow feeding flat, which was a good choice. We got out of the wind for a while, and with the calm water we were fishing now, it sure felt like top water time! I started working a Dunwright Top Dancer and about six casts into it, I got a blow up and hooks met flesh again. This 37 3/4 hit right on the edge of some pencil reeds, with good cabbage growth on the outside. A few good runs and into the net it went. Again a quick photo and back to fight another day.

We got off the water prior to dark, which got me home just in time to tuck the little ones into bed. As I sat in the bedroom tickling my daughters back as she went to sleep, I was thinking about the day’s events, with a big smile on my face. I got to spend a great day on the water with a good friend. I also got some great quality time with my kids. I have to say, there really is nothing more sacred to me then friends and family. Time well spent with friends and family is what life is all about for me. Making memories that will last me a life time! Yesterday was a fantastic day for me, and I am glad I got to enjoy the best of both worlds, friends and family. It really does not get any better then this!

Life is short, fish hard!

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Bob Bowman

Set the hook!


  1. Nice fish, Bob. I was at Thorne’s about a week ago and tried to get a squirrly dunwright … nothing there but paddletails! I had to buy two bulldawgs instead.

  2. Nice Fish Bob,
    Great read too! I knew yesterday was fishy too. I wanted to get out sooooo bad, unfortuneatly I was stuck on layover in Atlanta We are coming up on “Game time” and I can’t wait.

  3. Here’s to friends and family
    Great job Bob, congrats on another successful outing. You are having one hell of a year

  4. Great report buddy and congrats on the two skis. However, as you already pointed out, it doesn’t mean much if you can’t share it with your family and friends. Life is a balancing act and it seems like you truly understand that.

  5. Bob, you are obviously on a pattern this year.
    What do you think about this cold front?? I know cold fronts aren’t anybody’s friends, but is it possible that cooling the water down a little will turn things on a little more around the metro? I am going to try and get out tonight for a couple of hours if it stops raining. If nothing else it will get some of the wakeboarders/waterskiers off the water.

  6. The one good thing about this cold snap is the pencil reeds. Look for good wind blowing the warmer water into the pencils. Spinner baits and top waters should be the ticket. Good weed growth is still hanging deep and those fish are there for the taking. Working deep, slow and low. Good luck. I am leaving for the rest of the week for the Walker area. Happy hunting

  7. Here’s the video to go along with this Bob Bowman fishing report:

    More muskie video for the In-Depth Outdoors members from Bob Bowman and Dan Vogel!

    Click on the image below to go to our video vault to watch the footage.

    These guys sure know how to have a good time in the boat!

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