Mississippi River Pool 7 Bass Report

Here’s a quick Bass report from Pool 7. Bret Clark and I hit Pool 7 early Saturday morning hoping to capitalize on a good open water surface bite. Earlier in the week, I’d found a nice pod of LM & SM Bass feeding on shad just off the edge of a deep water sand flat.

While they didn’t bite like they had been, we were able to pull a couple nice fish from the spot before moving on.

Pictured first is Bret with his first Bass caught on his new Bass combo.

If anyone’s been on the river around Pool 7 lately, they know the flow’s very low right now. Finding current flow has been the key to putting fish in my boat. I’ve been sticking to points, whether they’ve been rock points or weed points, it doesn’t matter. If the fish are there, they’ll eat.

The second fish pictured came off the upstream side of a weed point on a Swamp Donkey scum frog. The moment that frog slid off the weeds and into the open water, that Bass was all over it.

Bret’s second Bass once again fell victim to his Super Spook. He had the hot hand with that big topwater bait. It was fun to watch those fish come up and slap at it time and time again before finally committing to eating it.

We weren’t working our topwater baits all that fast, in fact many times, I was letting my bait just float on the surface, only bumping it at small intervals. Less was definitely more.

We had a great day on the water. I wish I could say the fishing was strong throughout the day, but it really seemed to die off around 11am or so. There was a lot of pressure, and finding spots that hadn’t been hit once or twice was hard to do. Fishing with Bret always makes the day go by fast.

We even tried our hand at dragging for Channel Cats, but only finding one small one taking our bait. One thing’s for sure, there’s always tomorrow and the fish will most likely be biting that day.

Thanks Bret for spending some time on the water with me. As always, it was a blast and I look forward to doing it again.

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I am married to a wonderful wife and we have two beautiful children. I grew up in Dresbach MN on pool 7 and have fished it for over 20 yrs. For work quotes click the email addy below.[email protected]


  1. We did see some very cool stuff throughout the day, a cheeto eating coon, a fawn eating and frolicking around in lily pads, and a mermaid…..yes that’s right, a mermaid I never know what I am going to see next when Blue is giving me the tour on Pool 7

    It was definitely a morning bite but a fun day all around. Thanks for the invite Blue
    It’s been a blast putting together some new Bass stuff

  2. “Reaction Innovations Swamp Donkey”…sounds like a bad Sunday morning hangover…

    Awesome fish guys!

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