Minnesota Muskie Report – Baitfish and Toothies

Trusting what you see on your eletronics is key to targeting fish over deep water. The water temps have gone up and the abundance of baitfish have moved out to deep water. I have seen a lot of bait balls in 25 plus feet of water in the last few days. The one thing that holds true with all of the locations that I am finding massive amounts of baitfish on the lakes right now are, mid-lake humps and elongated weed fingers with deep water close.

I got a chance to once again hit the water with Brad Juaire last week. We got on the lake midday and had fish moving right from the get go. We got to fight five fish once again this day, however this time we only managed one into the net. This 39 inch spotty hit on a deep weed edge where we were marking a lot of baitfish. All of the fish that we got into this day all came in a two hour window, and on the windy side of the lake. We had to give the trolling motor a good workout, but the fish were there for a reason, and that was because of the major clouds of bait the wind was pushing into the weed edge. Once again, I think Brad may have a distorted vision of what hunting lunge is all about, it really is not like this all the time, unless Brad is in my boat. When we going again Buddy?

With the "Dog Days" of summer hanging in the heat we are having, I had one thing in mind for the weekend and that was speed trolling. I got a chance to hit the water with my cousin Dusty. We went out and found a lot of baitfish out over deep water, put on some deep running cranks and started our trolling run. We were focusing on keeping our baits in the 15-20 foot zone. Looking at what we were seeing on the graph, that was where all the fish were at in the water colume. Dusty got a good pike to start us off. It hit when the boat was over 47 feet of water, this was a Suspendo fish for sure. I know that there are a lot of big fish out over that deep water, but we never got a chance to butt heads with any true tanks. We did not put this fish on the board, but there was no question that she had been eating well. We also managed one more short fish on the day. This fish came on a deep weed edge, and when I say deep, I am finding some weed growth in 20 feet of water. Truly a trollers dream!

When the weather gets hot give trolling a go. The baitfish are out there over the deep water and so are the big toothies. We ran our baits as fast as 5 mph at times. That sounds fast, and feels fast to me when trolling, but speed works this time of year. Focusing on what we were seeing on the graph would dicitate how we ran the baits. There are days when you may see the bulk of the baitfish up high in the water coulume, and there are days when they are deep. I look for deep weeds and elongated weed fingers as I work my way around the lake. I mark these kinds of things on the graph, and then I find it much easier to run the next trolling line, and stay off the weeds. I can’t believe that I am going to admit this, and I know I will never hear the end of it…I have not been much of a troller in the past, but I think I am starting to enjoy trolling deep water! I know I personally have a tendency to get caught up in my ruts, and don’t really break away from them. Let it be the lake, or a bait, but most often for me its the technique, I always cast! Breaking away from the rut this weekend felt good, and put a few fish in my boat at the same time. Now I need to go find that deep water tank on a trolling run…Happy Hunting!!!!

Happy Hucking or should I say trolling!!!!

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Bob Bowman

Set the hook!


  1. After a week of hucking baits and burning cowgirls, you made me feel good about trolling for toothies on ML last Sat. We did see 10 of our 11 fish last week hucking baits. It was our last day and one of the reports from the guides on the Brainerd radio station had a guide already trolling on the walleye reefs for ‘skies. So off we went to one of the reefs we thought would hold both species. It only turned up one pike and later on the north shore we had one fish attack our planer, but it made sense after pounding it for a week for skies, bass and ‘eyes.

    Remember that hucking for 12 to 18 hours a day is really a job for young guys. I like doing it, but trolling is a nice break for a little while.

    Oh and Rootski was right, get off the water a little sooner next time. We do want to keep hearing your stories!!!

    I will be intrigued to hear about the Rhinelander league from last night as they were pounding at the fish while storms were pounding them. One of the guys I work with at Rollie and Helen’s Musky Shop got 4 fish and saw another three. I hope he was smart out there and some sanity was used keeping everyone was safe.


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    Great write up Bob!
    What would be a few good cranks to start with? I really need more baits

    Grandma’s, Salmo’s, and Dunwrights have been what I have been running. I also have been trolling those Lifelikes with a very long fluoro leader, and a 5oz drop weight on them to keep then down where I want them in the water colume. This was something that we started messing with last year, and it seems to work very well for keeping the baits in the hot zone

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    I think I am starting to enjoy trolling deep water

    HA! BOUT TIME!!!!!!!!!!

    I knew that was going to come back to bite me

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    Great info Bob. Are you trolling baits above suspended bait pods or right through them?

    Both I have been trying to keep a deep running crank down right in the hot zone where I am seeing the baitfish, and then with the Lifelikes, I am running those a little higher in the water, keeping them just about where I am seeing the bait balls. The water is clear on the lakes I am doing this on, so the fish will come up a long way to strike, at least that is my theory at this point.

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    Once again, I think Brad may have a distorted vision of what hunting lunge is all about, it really is not like this all the time, unless Brad is in my boat. When we going again Buddy?

    Yes – it is like that all the time with you Bob! So far on two trips we hooked 10 muskies and boated 3! The way I look at it we only need to improve our catch ratio!

    Great report and I’m glad to hear that you are implementing some deep water trolling methods. Back in the day some people thought I was kind of crazy trolling out in the open water for suspended walleyes. And we all know… where there are walleyes and other baitfish – the lunge is not far behind.

    Thanks once again for not only sharing your boat with me but also for sharing your abundant knowledge and the deep passion you have for hunting down these incredible fish!

  6. Nice fish Bobby! I might be trying a little dragging myself next week. What time of the day did you get your hookups and did you try pulling any boards to get away from the boat?

  7. Quote:

    Nice fish Bobby! I might be trying a little dragging myself next week. What time of the day did you get your hookups and did you try pulling any boards to get away from the boat?

    I have not been running boards, but only because I did not have them along. I would normally be running them to get the baits out away from the boat. The most action has been midday to late afternoon …Good luck if you make it out Danny

  8. Great Report Bob

    I’m glad to see you are seeing the light j/k

    There is nothing more fun than kickin back rod(s) in the holder and a beer in hand and let’em fly

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