Mississippi River Minnesota Pool 7 Bass Report

Wednesday evening was a great time to be on the water. A light wind put a small ripple on the water and the intermittent clouds kept the sun in check. Those 2 factors combined with a fantastic bite made Wednesday evening a great night.

I hadn’t been on the water since last week, and I was in need of a fix. Really bad…. After weighing in 5 Bass at 9lbs 10oz at the Wabasha BFL, I had try and find some fish that would remind me just how special the fishing on pool 7 is right now. I wasn’t disappointed.

The first Bass pictured is one my Dad put in the boat slowly & methodically fishing soft plastics on a hard weed edge. The moment the bait hit the water, the tullies behind it started to twitch & shake. About 3 seconds later the hook was set and this dandy fish was hoist into the boat. That was very cool to watch.

I’ve tried hard this year to make necessary adjustments and various approaches to swim jigs and swim baits this year. So far, I’ve been hitting on all cylinders. I have to admit, I’ve had some help from a couple fellow IDO members here. They’ve offered some key insight to small things that I’d over looked. As my lovely wife always tells me, it’s the small things that truly do matter.

The Bass in this picture inhaled a swim jig. Trust me when I say that jig is in the fish’s mouth. A couple switches in grub color have really helped me put lots of fish like this in our boat.

The hardest part of making adjustments can be unlearning what you already know. Keep things fresh, and don’t be afraid to try something different. Be prepared to fail….that’s not at all a bad thing either.

It’s easy to stay the course and use what’s been working, but you may be surprised what a different shade or flake configuration will do for you.

My Dad found that out when the plastics he’d been using were left at home on accident and he had to try something a little "off color." After putting a few smaller fish in the boat on his "go-to color" and not thinking there were any bigger fish in that spot, he swiched to a lighter shade and was immediately rewarded with this beauty LM Bass.

One of the last things we found in our trip was how the fish were relating to certain "structure." The duckwart is by and large under developed in some areas, that’s leading to a less that spectacular slop bite for us.

We found last night(and on previous outings) that brown scum which builds up on the edges of weed beds acts very similar to duckwart. It doesn’t have the density, but the Bass have really been favoring it. The last Bass pictured came from a large section of that brown scum. Him and all his friends were feeding heavily on baitfish and crawfish under that canopy.

Just keep in mind, it may not look like a place you wanna live but Bass find it more than inviting.

Good luck fishing!

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I am married to a wonderful wife and we have two beautiful children. I grew up in Dresbach MN on pool 7 and have fished it for over 20 yrs. For work quotes click the email addy below.[email protected]


  1. Judging by your dads weight last night I am thinkin you missed out on a great night of fishing. Wow!!! 5 1/2 pounder this time of year?!?!

  2. Great report!
    Looks like the “old man” knows how to catch big bass!

    I got out Tuesday on pool 7 and yesterday on pool 6. I’ve noticed some color shifting on the swim jigs, too.

  3. Quote:

    Judging by your dads weight last night I am thinkin you missed out on a great night of fishing. Wow!!! 5 1/2 pounder this time of year?!?!

    Yeah….thanks…..I have an open wound, ya wanna rub some salt on it… Just funnin’ ya…

    I sure picked one heck of a night to go to a Loggers ballgame…

    I knew he was on some nice fish, he just needed to get there first.

    That scale they weigh in on weighs in tenths of pounds. That LM Bass weighed 5lbs 13oz on my Rapala. It was the last cast they made to that spot before they left.

  4. Blue,
    That is a great lesson right there……whether it be the first or last cast they are all important. Loggers game over fishing when they are biting like they are. WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU?!!!

  5. Quote:

    Loggers game over fishing when they are biting like they are. WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU?!!!

    I had free party deck passes from 95.7 The Rock. All the free food & beer a guy can handle.

    Besides, my Dad needs his time in the spotlight. I can’t be stealing his thunder all the time….

  6. I went out tonight for a few hours, and managed a few nice fish, including this fat LM Bass. It measured 19.75″ and weighed out at 4lbs 5oz.

  7. Great report Blue! It doesn’t get much better than that being able to fish with your loved ones while ehjoying a successful day on the water.

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