Pool 2 Summer walleyes

The summer time walleyes continue to bite here on pool 2 of the mississippi. With water temps creeping up and water levels going down the bite is hanging rite in there. Trolling crankbaits and pitching to wingdams are still my main approach to getting these fish to bite. Staying on top of them is the challenging part as they seem to be changing locations or what they want to eat almost daily. This and the quality of the walleye coming to the boat is what keeps me coming back again to pool 2.

The wingdam bite has been a little more challenging of my presentations the last few weeks. Wingdams that hold good numbers of fish one day seem to dry up pretty fast making just about every trip a guessing game to see where they are at. Some times the walleyes make just a slight change in location like to a near by wingdam. Other times they just seem to disappear. It has been worth while to keep looking for these fish as when they are found there is a good chance there will be a fair number of them hanging together and theres always a good shot at a big fish. These first 2 photos are of Bob J. and 2 nice walleyes he took off of a small rock wingdam on crankbaits.

Crankbaits thrown to the shallower wingdams have been a good choice the last few trips. We have been getting in a little closer to the dams and casting more parallel to them. Pitching jigs to the deeper wingdams is working well some days to. My Limit Creek "Smoothie" rods work great for working the hair jigs, or jig/bait combinations to the bottom face of these dams. Just started pitching some leaches on the last trip along with crawlers. Ill be playing around with this more in future trips. Somedays almost all of my fish have been hanging down near the bottom of the dams like this nice 28"r that hit a BfishN tackle black hair jig almost right under the boat.

Long line trolling crank baits on rocky or rip rap shorelines has been a more consistent approach for hungry walleyes. Finding shorelines with good flow on them has been key. Line counter reels make it easy to get your lures out there on just enough line to tick bottom. I believe this triggers alot of the fish to bite. Colors have been all over the place with what the fish want. Reds, brown, firetigers, and blues have been our main colors of choice.

Just a reminder there is another Moore’s Bait and Tackle this Tuesday night on pool 2. It $10 to get in. Photo of the biggest 2 walleye wins. This has been a fun contest to participate in and and is always enjoyable to see everyone else out there.


  1. Here are a few more photos from the last few weeks. I also want to mention that with the water temps getting towards the 80s to make sure and take extra care with handling and releasing of these fish. On step I have taken is to not net as many fish. The ones that are just lip hooked it is easy enough to grab the hook with a pliers and flip it out while the fish is still in the water. Others can be grabbed by the gill and lifted in. This is a little more challenging to do I think is still more fish friendly than putting them in the net. What is nice about pool 2 is that if one gets off along side the boat it doesnt matter. It was shortly going back anyways.

  2. Thanks for taking me out again Mike! I’m putting my strategy together for Tuesday. Mainly I’m strategizing how I’m gonna keep my two kids happy and get in some fishing…… Good luck to everybody fishing the pool 2 Moore’s CPR tourney pool 2 Tuesday!


  3. Very impressive Mike! I was going to give it a shot this weekend but I didn’t have any chicken livers handy


  4. Quote:

    Great fish report Mike! Those are some dandies. Time for this guy to get back out there.


    Im sure it didnt make fishing up north any easier this last week with thinking about the river in the back of your mind.

  5. Great report Mike and good job staying on those Pool 2 summer walleyes! It sounds like you are making small adjustments each time out which is adding to your success. Good luck Tuesday night!

  6. “I also want to mention that with the water temps getting towards the 80s to make sure and take extra care with handling and releasing of these fish.”

    Cosign. Hooking mortality is extremely high at these water temps, and we should be careful with all fish that will be released. I’d even encourage people to minimize taking photos. Get the fish back in the water ASAP with as little handling as possible.

    As for the fishing…. I’d also throw in 3-way rigging with bait as a good option. Had my son out yesterday on P2 and caught a ton of fish on wingdam tips, rock piles and channel edges. A few ‘eyes, catfish, drum, and some other species. A good option for anglers who like to stay occupied.

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