Well folks we are likely seeing the coldest July in quite some time here on Rainy Lake. Instability in the weather coupled by JULY cold fronts has made fishing a bit more challenging for some anglers. The great thing about magnificent fisheries such as Rainy is that you can do well despite the weather. The fishing continues to be lights out despite “Ma Nature” having a bad summer! Although with that being said the old saying “Wind from the East fish bite the least is AMAZINGLY true!” Yep you can still catch them, but the fish are very seldom as aggressive, and toning down your presentations is often times critical to your overall success.
We’ve been concentrating our efforts over small humps with wind action and minimal fishing pressure. The combination of Electronics, location, and boat control continue to be the keys to success. Without quality electronics it is difficult to pinpoint the spot on spot. Without being in the right locations you might as well have a sandwich, and without being able to effectively keep your boat over top of your targeted fish will make all your previous work worthless. The fish are concentrated chasing smelt and ciscoes. The livewells have the remnants of these baitfish to prove it.
As far as bait goes I have yet to find a more universal big fish producer as Shiners. You can turn fish during the summer with crawlers, leeches and fatheads, but I’ll take another scoop of shiners. I think it is safe to say during the late summer/fall period Rainy Walleyes are focusing there feeding frenzy on ciscoes and smelt. Shiners are the closest imitation size and color that I’ve found. If you turn some fish don’t be shy trying some Paddletails in the oyster color or white. These plastic combo’s will allow for quick fishing and more aggressive jigging techniques.
I think most fisherman have there confidence techniqe/bait/tackle. For me it is a jig. Master the different jigging techniques and you will seldom lack fish for shorelunch. The same jig can be fished in several diffent motions or actions to produce your fish day in and day out. When I was younger I was told the guys with a pocket full of jigs will often times outfish the guy with a suitcase of tackle. That old saying still rings true! Just don’t tell the Fishing Queen! LOL! Good Fishing Boys! Come on up to the mighty Rainy! Where the fish are BIG and the crowds are small!
Great report and awesome pics RD!

You gotta love those pics with the dark colored walleyes and bright eyes shining with sun setting in the background!
Great Report
Nice fish
History tells us that the most successful kings have never really been in as much control as they thought! Great pictures and “Long live the Queen”.
How did you like those sweet winds last weekend, it’s amazing that with winds that strong there is no such thing as being out of the wind no matter what side of the islands you are fishing, give me rain and no wind. Very hard not going out esp. when the walleyes are really on, wasn’t even safe in a 620. Agree with the oyster color paddletails, have caught a fair number of 27-29″ walleyes pitchin in shallow this year. Kinda nice to know that all my pool 4 baits also work on Rainy.
What size of fish we looking at above Daze? It’s a bit tough to judge for me given how healthy they look. Thanks for sharing again!!!
Hey Kooty,
The pics in my post are 23-25 inch fish. In all honesty pretty average as far as big fish go here on Rainy. There are a lot of fish coming in between 22-26 inches. Fish 27 and up are to be had, but of course not as common. Biggest fish this year is 28.5 inches.