The walleye fishing on the Mississippi river has remained very good for my boat on the last 3 outings. One thing that has really stood out is the segregation of walleye by size for myself and customers. If I am in an area that 22”-28” walleye are inhabiting I am only seeing 3-5 fish that I would consider eaters under the 20” mark
My best two big walleye presentations with the higher water have been anchoring and casting jigs to small current breaks or 3-way rigging bait slowly up river with the kicker motor or bow mount if I am unable to get a jig in to the spot I am trying to target. Leeches and crawlers have been neck and neck on the last three trips. Walleye have been caught in less than 2’ of water and as deep as 24’ depending on where the current break we are targeting is located. The deeper current breaks have been best for the bigger walleye as of late. 1/4oz to 3/8oz precision jigs in black, chartreuse sunburst, or chartreuse/orange have been my best jig colors.
While we still have higher water levels, I did take a day this weekend to check out a high water bite that I have been unable to target on the last couple of trips due to those big walleye in the river keeping us occupied. Casting cranks on Lake Pepin to the flooded timber is what I have been itching to try on my last 2 guide trips, but as I stated above, the bigger walleye in the river kept cooperating for my boat so I did not have the chance to get down that way.
Once I finally made it on to the Lake those walleye were very cooperative
. I fished with two good friends on this day. In 4 1/2 hours of casting cranks to the flooded willows we had over a three man limit of legal walleyes with just as many short walleyes in the mix. #5 and #7 Fire tiger shad raps did the trick for us on this day. Unfortunately this flooded timber casting bite is on the down swing with the falling water levels
I will have some pictures posted of my last 2 guide trips in this report and below. I would like to thank those of you who fished with me again. The big eyes were cooperating on our trips and that always makes things more enjoyable .
I’ll see ya on the river !
Gaylen and Tom are pictured here with the rest of the picture fish we had on our trips. I was lucky enough to catch a couple as well
The walleye fishing on the mighty river should only get better with the warmer weather finally here
Great report as usual Dustin. The falling water levels will hurt the willows bite but I think it’s going to help the livebait bite for us draggers
The 3-way rigs will go by the way side for my boat and the little jigs dragged naturally down current will prevail 
Your talkin’ this old guys language when you talk dragging light jigs
Bring it on!
Very nice fish Dustin & great report.

You have my attention!
Excellent as usual Dustin!
We got a really good crankbait trolling bite going on up here on pool 2; but we’re gonna have to adjust also. The water dropped about a foot yesterday and will probably keep dropping unless we have some thunderstorms. Then its back to the wingdams. And that is fun too! 
Nice report Dustin…..
It is old hat to hear Dustin is on big fish. Getting to the point that`s what I am expecting from each of your reports. Your consistancy on big fish is showing how good of a stick you are.

Great report Dustin. Hop we find some of those fish this Friday.
Them are some darn nice fish Dustin!
Once again, D. Stewart is the River King!
I think a few of those fish were PBs for some of the guys.
Regardless,awesome consistant quality for this time of year!
Nice job Dustin, as usual.
Where were those fish for us on Saturday?????
Not sure Jeremy
. I was hoping they were still there for you guys. That’s why I went to the lake that day I was hoping you guys would get them 
Nice report.