Since my last report, a couple things have changed in my pursuit of those Mississippi River Walleyes. The two biggest changes that occurred have been the water levels falling and the change in my presentations. Pitching jigs tipped with plastic has taken a back seat in my boat until next fall rolls around. On my last 3 trips we have taken several walleye on the following presentations. Dragging jigs tipped with crawlers and leeches, trolling crank baits, and 3-waying bait slowly up river. All three have been very effective to take good numbers of walleye with some bigger walleye mixed in
I have still been targeting areas with slower flow than the force of the main river. Inside bends have been good now that the water is out of the trees. If the wind will allow, I have been dragging jigs down river and trolling cranks back up river. If I am encountered with a very windy situation I have had to break out the 3 way rods to keep my baits in the areas I am targeting.
My best trolling speeds have been in the 1.7mph to 2.6mph. #5 shad raps have been my best bait when working those shallow areas. #5 jointed shad raps and Wally divers have been best in the deeper water for me. My trolling depths in the river have been dependent on the areas I am working. Firetiger or black and gold have been my best colors on the cranks. Best jig colors when dragging have been orange, blue or black. 3-waying bait, blue or orange floaters have done the trick with some nice walleye making a showing on a plain hook and crawler.
The walleye bite overall has been very good for my boat, with very good numbers of walleye making a showing . I have not experienced a real good big fish bite on my last 3 trips
. There are some bigger fish in the areas I am targeting but not in great numbers. The action packed days of lots of biters have made up for the lack of 8lbers for the groups I have fished with. I am on the water quite a few days next week and will put most of my efforts in to targeting those bigger walleye.
I’ll see ya on the river!
Nice fish and great report as usual.
What are your thoughts about the fish in the third photo?
Walleye or Saugeye?
Fish with similar markings have been showing up from time to time here on Lake Wisconsin and I’m curious what others who spend a lot of time on the water think.
Looks like a saugeye but it can be really hard to tell from a photo taken at a side angle.
Thanks for the report, buddy. Trolling and dragging and then in another week or two… all dragging.
Keep knockin’ em.
Great report as usual…
That’s the report I have been waiting for Dustin! It is now officially “that time of year”
We’ll be seeing you on the water soon I’m sure. Nice fish and great report as usual!
At what depth and bottom structure are you targeting now?
Great report Dustin, and as usual you found the fish.
Great report Dustin! Looking forward to following you reports all summer!
Boog, I’d say that fish is a hybrid saugeye due to the white spot on the tail (like a walleye) but also the dark patches on the side and the spots on the dorsal fin (like a sauger).
When Scott caught that fish, none of us even saw a resemblance to a saugeye. Now that I look a the picture it does look like a saugeye but was all walleye when we put it in the boat and snapped a quick photo.
The areas I have been catching fish have a sandy bottom with slower moving water. Lot’s of clams and wood in the mix. All the fish in my boat have come out of 2′ to 13′ of water.