Today I spent the morning fishing with a couple of guys who make annual trips to some of the better walleye fishing lakes in the world. Bret Larsen and Duane Lutz take fishing trips to Lake of the Woods and Lake Erie every year.
The good thing about having a couple of guys with this much experience in the boat is that they don’t need a lot of coaching and you don’t have to worry about whether or not they will know what to do when they connect with a big fish.
The bad part of having guys in the boat who travel to spots like that is it can be kind of hard to live up to the experience they’ve had in those places.
Little ole 9000 acre Lake Wisconsin did just fine today. The numbers weren’t there but the quality sure was. By the end of the morning, Duane set two personal best and Brett had one new personal best.
With a steady south wind blowing at about 10-15mph right from the start, I decided to go with trolling crank baits over crawler rigs. And it didn’t take long before Duane was fighting a pretty good fish. The 22″ sauger on the end of the line put up a good fight but Duane was up to the task and soon enough it was in the net. It was back in the lake swimming free again after a couple quick photo’s. That was Duane’s first personal best of the day.
Less than a half hour later, Duane was again fighting a decent fish. This sauger measured up at 22-1/4 inches. It took Duane all of 30 minutes or so to break his previous personal best.
Surface water temperatures were running at 63 degrees this morning in the main lake. That was up two degrees from yesterday morning.
We were running flat lines in the 10-12′ zone for the most part and shad raps were the lure of choice.
After those two saugers, Duane caught another 18″ walleye from that first location and after a pass or two with no fish, we started making the milk run.
Only problem was, we didn’t find much other than white bass in most of the spots we were hitting.
Bret still hadn’t connected with a walleye or sauger but he was being very patient about it. We were well into our fifth spot or so and I was just about ready to tell the guys to pull their lines one more time when Bret finally hooked into a fish. And according to him, it felt like a good one.
Duane pulled in his line and took over the wheel since we were trolling into the wind when this fish hit. After slowing the trolling motor down, I grabbed the net and extended the handle all the way out. Bret got the fish up near the boat but it wasn’t ready to show itself and it appeared as though it may try and pass the boat. I inched the throttle up a bit and we were once again staying just ahead of this fish that we could not quite see. This went on for what seemed like a minute or two. It was probably only 30-45 seconds but when you know there’s big fish near the boat and you can’t quite see it, time kind of slows down. It slows down at approximately the same rate at which your adrenaline flow increases and right then and there, there was a lot of adrenaline flowing in the boat.
Finally, a big walleye rolled on the surface just beyond where the net would reach. That is always the scariest part of landing a big fish. Lots of bad things can happen but thank god, nothing bad happened.
None of us could believe how fat this fish was. It looked like a pre-spawn female walleye but that couldn’t be. She was still spunky and Bret had to hold on tight several times while I shot some pictures. Bret released her and she is still out there waiting to give somebody else a battle they won’t soon forget. She sure gave us a battle none of us will ever forget.
Even though she measure up at 29″ long, it was her girth that left the biggest impression on us. The guys weren’t sure, but they thought this was a personal best for Bret as well.
We made another pass or two but no more walleyes showed up and shortly after that put away the crank bait rods in favor of the crawler rigs for the last hour of the morning. That produced nothing but one small crappie.
I don’t think I’ve ever had a better showing from only four walleyes & saugers on a half day trip and I’m pretty sure that every one left the lake with a smile on there face today.
Thanks again guys! It was a pleasure to fish with the two of you.
Today was family day and I was very happy to be sharing the early morning hours with Nancy and our dog Kayla. There was a warm west wind blowing at around 15mph and I had only one goal in mind. That was to hook Nancy up with a big walleye.
We once again went with trolling shad raps in 10-12′ of water. The first fish of the day was a nice eaten size 17″ walleye which we released. Didn’t feel like cleaning fish today.
After that, all we caught in the first spot was weeds, sticks and leaves that the storm from the night before had blown into the lake. Time to move to another spot.
We headed off to the area where Bret caught his big fish. That spot didn’t produce much other than a couple of white bass.
Around 9:30am or so, we finally connected again and sure enough, this was a bigger fish. Nancy grabbed the rod and the battle was on. It was actually a very similar battle as the day before, just not as long. When this fish finally got to the boat, it also did not show itself right away and it wanted to pass the boat just like yesterday.
But a short time later it rolled a little to close to the boat and in the net it went.
Another very fat & sassy walleye that almost looked pre-spawn in girth. And best of all it measured in at 26-1/2″ long.
We snapped photo’s and released it. Hopefully, we will meet again in a few years!
Another hour of trolling produced nothing more. We pulled the boat around 10:30am. It was getting pretty warm out and the lake was beginning to show signs of heavy recreational traffic.
All in all, it was one of the better Memorial Day weekends I can remember.
Sure hope it was for all of you as well!
Great report and awesome fish Joel

The wind this year just doesn’t want to give up
There are some PIGS!
Way to go Joel, awesome job…with all the wind the past few days you done good

Those are some real honeys..
Thanks guys!
I guess if we can’t put numbers in the boat it sure is nice to have some bigger fish.
Nice fish Joel. It seems the fish are exceptionally fat this year. Have you noticed any hot colors? My best color in my few trips out has been anything blue. The blue / silver/ Orange belly shad rap RS has been my best bait. Wish they wouldn’t have quit making that color.
With fish that size,who needs quanity?
Great report Joel,and congrats to your crew for the pbs.
Nice walleye Nancy
That has been a hot color for the last several years.
(The lure I’m thinking of is suspending and please correct me if I’m wrong but I believe the RS = suspending.)
I also thought they quit making it. But they were still listed in the lastest Bass Pros Shop catalog we received.
You may want to check them out.
Firetiger and perch have been real good as well!
Looks like a good weekend!!
Dandy walleye but I’m really impressed by those sauger!
Yep, the RS was the suspending one. I’ll have to check Bass Pro. Maybe they had a stockpile. I always keep an eye out for that color everywhere I go and buy any I find. I have about a half dozen in reserve.
You and me both!
That one shouldnt be a problem guys…I can get a regular supply of those easily,if in need.
That’s always good to know!
wow!!!! nice fish guys……….save some for me
Great looking fish Joel!
Great read Joel! Way to go!
Another excellent report Joel! You seem to keep outdoing yourself with nearly every report. Those are some dandy fish for any body of water!

We are on a bit of a roll here right now. Gotta enjoy it while it last!
Thanks again guys!