I have ventured my way south from my normal haunts of upper pool 4 to lower Lake Pepin and Wabasha area. It has been a good move so far for numbers of fish but the quality is a little behind schedule right now. I look for that to improve very soon here.
Fishing the lower part of the lake and the wabasha area gives you two advantages right now. One being cleaner water due to most things settling out in the lake, and the other being a little less flow. Those two things are a trollers best friend. Most all of my time has been spent trolling steep shoreline breaks, and some deeper backwater areas with little to no flow.
Trolling speed has been VERY, VERY important at this time. The fish seem to still be in recovery mode from the spawn and with the faster current they are looking for the lures much slower. My average speed for the last few trips out have been from .4 to .7 mph. Any slower than that and you will get channel cats, any faster than that and you will get a few small fish or no fish at all.
Lure color has also been fairly important as of late. Changing colors based on sun shine and cloud cover has been most important. As of late, when the sun is shinning brightly, blue has been the best, with anything orange or gold coming in second. For cloudy or overcast skies, firetiger has been number one, with fire crawdad coming in a close second.
The bite in this area should only get better as the water temp increases and stabilizes a little. The best is yet to come I believe.
I hope everyone has a SAFE and ENJOYABLE memorial day weekend.
Until next time………..
Thanks for the report!
Nice job Eric, good to see you out and about.
Hope to see you this weekend. But I may venture to the north end.
Nice fish Eric
Good to see a reports from ya. I thought you might have stopped fishing
Keep up the good work.
Wallster ><((((>
Those are some nice fish!
Hopefully this nice weather says around for awhile and things really turn on! Good report as usual!
The piggies on the north end are calling your name
Great report Erick, some nice looking fish. But you gotta smile
if your catching fish like that!
Unless your fishing with Jim, then I understand the frustration!
I certainly agree with the lack of a smile. Eric, how can you catch nice fish like that and not smile??? Had to pick on you for that one cause you sure look sad in that pic. Thanks for the report and pics. Very nice fish.
Thanks, Bill
WOW! Nice fish Eric!!!!
It’s hard to smile when you keep the company that I keep
Just kidding of course.
Something to do with not likeing to get my picture taken and not being very photogenic. I’ll work on that though
Thanks for the kind replies.
Hope to do the same this weekend.
Hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable weekend.

Great Report Eric
Nice Fish Guys
Im not exactly sure what you mean by that? If you are asking if the speed im going is why I am catching fish, the answer is somewhat no.
As of RIGHT NOW the speed has more to do with the size of fish I have been catching. Like I mentioned in my report, if you are going faster than what I recomended you will still get fish but they have ran on the smaller size.
The biggest thing I have found lately is if you are catching smaller fish, slow your speed down and move out a little deeper on the breakline.
If that wasnt what your question was refering to let me know and I will see what I can do.