The walleye fishing on Mille Lacs is really not following the calendar this year! We are still waiting for spring to arrive and along with warmer temperatures and maybe the ice piles around the lakes to finally melt!
The presentation that has continued to put fish in my boat has been pulling lindy rig’s on the sand breaks. Many of these sand breaks are still holding small males that are in their post spawn mode. We have varied the length of our snells from as short as 6ft on up to as long as 12ft. Going to the shorter length when in some of the random rocky areas along the NE corner on the lake. Red hooks have been the only color working for me so far…medium to large size leeches are also the ones to pick out of the bucket! Its not time to go too big yet as for the size of the leech. The best depth has been from as shallow as 8 ft out to as deep as 17 fow. Some fish are holding close to the sharper breaklines along the northern sections of the lake. I’m still catching small males milking all over the boat……. trolling speeds have also been important with maitaining a drift or trolling speed of .5 or less. Don’t try to cover to much area at high speeds! slower is better!
Getting back to the calendar statement! We are nearing the memorial day weekend….and we are still fishing 8-17 fow? the fish just have not moved out much as the water temperatures are still in the upper 40’s at 47 degs yesterday. I would look for the transition fish to start showing themselves soon….real soon I hope! It won’t be long and the lilac will be blooming….and it will be time to start pulling blades!!! I have yet to purchase a nightcrawler!! but it won’t be long now…..I hope
If you have held off on making a trip up to Mille Lacs this early season. Now is the time! between now and the end of June will be ” prime time “
Hope to see ay soon……good luck fishing
Sweet!! Who is that short fat kid with you?

Thanks for the report Bobber! I’ll be up there soon again!
Thanks for the report Bob. Congrats on the tourney!
I don’t know who that good looking guy is?

I sure caught fish though, especially using my secret weapon….
Nice report Bob.
Congrats on your tourny win also!
The two guys I had out this past Sunday will enjoy reading this report. They are heading up to Mille Lacs from June 3rd through the 7th. Sounds like they may be timing it just right.