This is kind of a mixed bag report of walleyes and crappies from this past week of several adventures. I told myself that this year of 2008 I would like to make more time fishing with my family members and my buddies and scale back a little on the guide trips…and this past week I did just that. Between May walleyes on Pool 2 and spring pre-spawn lake crappies, I am torn almost a dead even 50/50 at times.
This past week I talked my Dad (Jimmy D’s hair jigs) into coming down and share a boat with me for the day on Pool 2. We got on the water on a beautiful sunny morning and ran immediately to one of my favorite little honey holes for this time of year as well as this time of day. As I was dropping the anchor on a nice current seam I look back to see my Dad setting the hooks into fish #1….OMG, how the heck did that happen so quick? Dad and I proceeded to pop about 6 fish right off the hop. All these fish were cooking cutter 24”-25” fish except for Dad’s nice fish just shy of 27”. After about an hour on this spot, things slowed and we were off to a milk route of old standby spots as well as some intriguing looking new ones. Some of this stops produced fish right away, some after a little persistence and some were plain duds! One thing I have found consistent this past several days now is that the walleyes are starting to move into the current a bit compared to sitting in the slack waters of the current seams. With water temps hitting 60 degrees now, I guess we should expect that to be the norm from here on out and eventually fish starting to set up on the wingdams in the weeks to come. Dad and I pitched Jimmy D’s Chartruese Weenie 1/4oz and 5/16th oz hair jigs most of the day, however the few moments that I did throw a crankbait, I got quick results. With 60degree water….cranks are really starting to become a preference more often than not….even for this old hair jig thrower. Dad and I had a great day on the water together…Thanks Dad for taking the time when I was a little boy to show me this great sport!
My brother Tony and I got out this past week also to chase some pre-spawn crappies on a lake we grew up fishing on but had not fished it for awhile. This is one of those lakes that has potential for some real nice sized crappies when you can find them. After a little hunting, Tony and I got into them on a deep old reed patch in 6-8 feet of water. This is a place were these crappies like to stage before water temps heat up enough to draw them into the shallower depths. We spent the remaining afternoon/evening sitting on this small weed bed and plucked several nice 13-1/2”-14” crappies. We kept just enough for a small meal and let the rest go. This trip sure reminded us when we were kids and our Dad used to take us all out (4 boys) on a similar spot on the lake….good memories.
Thanks Tony for dragging me up there to take advantage of this fun afternoon.
I got a chance to run out solo this morning until about noon. Upon arrival I noticed the river had dropped about 10”-12” over the past couple days. I started out early checking some backwater areas that has been holding fish. After boating a couple quick small fish, I moved out to the main channel to check out some main river current breaks and low and behold found some fish right away. Not only were the fish hanging around the current seam, they were hanging out in the current. My approach this time of year seems to be pretty easy, I start out throwing crankbaits to these current seams first and then follow up with hair jigs. The active fish are usually on those cranks right away and then I need to scrub out a couple more reluctant fish. With warmer waters temps I have also been finding fish really starting to spread out. Instead of finding 4-5 fish per spot, I am picking up 1-2 fish per spot and that’s it. So staying on the move right now seems to be my best approach for getting on numbers of active fish.
So in parting….Get the cranks out, stay on the move and as always practice CPR at all times here on Pool 2!
Good luck to all!
Thanks for the report Steve. Nice looking walleyes and crappies. I made it down to pol 2 for a few hours this afternoon. Found a few fish trolling rocky shorelines on the main channel. Havent been able to find any great numbers of fish yet but cant complain about the size. Biggest today was a little over 28″s. Now I just need to get a camera again.
Nice walleyes as usual Steve.
Loved the picture with the two big crappies. Very nice!
Great report Steve. Those are some very nice looking crappies
Nicely done. It’s always fun to share fishin’ time with family.
I got out Sunday morning and landed a 25″ on a firetiger rap. Several sheepies and one large carp scale also made it to the boat. All fish were in the current.
Nice report Steve. I got a bad skunk going. 3 short trips and no fish. Been hitting good spots and presumably doing everything right. Marty and Mike have caught some while with me; but I am stinkin’ it up…… I got to get out there for an entire day and get this slump over with and soon!
Great report Steve!
It’s good to see you fishing with your dad and your brother.
It’s a reminder for all of us that our days on the water fishing with our loved ones will be gone before we know it.
Thanks for the report Steve, Nice crappies, Wow!
Nice report Steve. Gotta love those slabs!
Got out yesterday morning for a few hours. I got one nice suager on a Bomber off a wingdam, with a couple of more smaller walleyes caught trolling #5 raps along current breaks. The river is in really nice shape and I’d expect we hear some very nice reports in the next several weeks. Hope its me!
Great Report Steve
Its always a great time getting out on the water fishing with family and friends
There is absolutly nothing better
You wait and you wait! Get your chores done, get the boat ready, respool your line, read old posts, buy new lures, get the sunscreen ready, have a good supply of ice for the cooler then its time! So when its time your wife steps in a pot hole, tips over and breaks her ankle. I love my wife but man she always has to be busy, so busy in fact that I have had whole days that I snuck out with the boat and she didnt even know I was gone! Not this year! I’d argue that time in the boat with her sweetheart would be good enought and after all isnt fishing really about doing chores? Well that discussiong didnt last long! So for all of you who are out on the river pitching and cranking I’m with you in spirit and thanks for the great reports, sorry I dont have much to add this spring. Sniff, sniff!
I know I will be getting out on Two sometime over the next three days and man am I’m looking foreward to getting more time on the water.
Make it a good one.
Thanks for the report Steve!! Great info as always. It was nice to meet Jimmy D the other day to! Sure seems like one heck of a nice guy and he ties up a mean wally jig too. Looks like some heafty slabs you were getting there
Love those crappies! Great report Steve!