Pool 4 White Bass Action w/ Video

With the White Bass action simply incredible right now, I had to get out and take advantage of these fish with Jason Halfen up on Pool 4. When Jason and I go out fishing I can always expect a great time on the water with lots of laughs.

With the water high and the current fast, these white bass are finding those current breaks and back eddies. We used a range of baits to convince these fish into biting, but what ended up working best for us was ΒΌ oz blade baits and a jig and a minnow. We used a few different colored blade baits, but its something about using gold blade baits this time of year and once again it came through.

Many of these white bass we caught were spawning females and during this time of the year we really need to practice catch and release. These fish are very easy to catch this time of year and we need to make sure they are not over harvested. But if you are looking for a great time get out there and catch some of these pole bending white bass.

Here is the link to the show: HuntFish Tv

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  1. Another great afternoon is in the books! Thanks for making the trip up here Andy to chase those whities.

    Just to let everyone know, we were fishing between Everts Resort and Lock and Dam #3. There must be a gazillion white bass in that small piece of river right now. Maybe 2 gazillion. If you’re looking for some great string-stretching action, the upper part of Pool 4 is the place to be.

    As Andy mentioned, our primary presentations were 1/4 oz blades or 1/8-1/16 oz jigs tipped with minnows. We were fishing shoreline current breaks and in the flooded trees. Check in with Dean at Everts for the latest updates on the white bass and walleye action!

  2. Thanks Guys for watching the show!
    Dean, yeah it was a busy day, when I got home I was out.
    It was good seeing you.

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