“Someday I am gonna check out that spot.” That was the plan for Thursday afternoon for Stuart & myself. Instead of talking about it, that is what we did and set out for some new locations that have always caught our attention but never took the time to investigate.
The locations varied and so did the fish.After a handfull of short-fish,Stuarts eyes got a bit larger when this 28.5 eye hit his #5 flicker shad.I asked him if he wanted the net? I am getting used to being his net man….guess I just need to “try harder”!But as the day went on,I was to get into the game as well.
The current river conditions has so much to offer in regards to species and favorite presentations .Trolling,lead or longline,pitching hair,plastics,and or bait.We found all of the above to be effective.Pro-blue and purple p-tails and ringies were the plastics of choice.And a new willowcat bucktail has been boating some fish as well.
This time of year always confuses me….bass guys catchin walleyes,walleye guys catchin bass and the cat guys are boating both.What a crazy mixed up world we live in! LOL !If variety is your thing,get out & enjoy the river with a freind…like Stuart & I did , thanks for a great afternoon!
A couple more pics from this weeks outing. We didnt have to burn much gas either !
awsome report Dean the new kicker should be on by next week so plan on seein plenty of this guy!
Great report Dean
the girls & I will see you Saturday mourning. 
Nice job working the “other” spots. Looks like it was a rewarding day and just a really nice day to be out on the water….Hech they are all nice
Nice job Dean!
You gotta love fishin for fun!
Awesome Dean and Stuart!
Dean, did you get the tape on the sauger? Looks like he was still “Getting busy” as are the fish on Pool 3.
Glad to hear you got to fish for fun!
Ritter and I were fishing in self defense tonight!
Jami told me of these pitching fish on Pool 3 that were acting like smallies last night…and low and behold while we were pitching, he had a 19″ sauger absolutely crush his crankbait boatside! He even said we should start making figure 8’s before bringing the lures in! He had a white bass do the same.
thanks for the Report Dean,
Great Report Dean
Nice Fish Stuart
Thank’s for the relaxing afternoon Dean.Next time my boat and we’ll target fat flats and see what we come up with.Hope BK dont break to much stuff while we’re both out of town.
Let’s see Stuwart…I have something for you….
FYI, I haven’t broken anything since the tires came off the skid steer…or was it the boat and trailer in the river issue?
Not too many folks on the river today. They must not be biting down here.
Sure looks like a fun afternoon! It feels good to fish without winter gear on, doesn’t it!!! How long till the skeeters start to drive us crazy now
Nice report and fish Dean!
Fishin for fun is even better when your catching Big-uns like those.
That reminds me…..Wasn’t Al Bundy’s favorite magazine called “Big-uns”?