Tonka- Friday evening 5/9

I had the good fortune to share a boat with two good friends on Tonka Friday evening looking for some Crappies. We had a late start, but it sure felt good to be on the lake for the first time this year.

Steve, Jeff and I were on the water around 6 pm, and launched in Gray’s bay. The main lake temps were right at 54, and found one small lake that held 61 degrees. We used a few technigues: jig and minnow, casting small jigs with twister tails, and casting Mitey Mites. Overall it was a little slow, but still managed to catch about 30 crappies, with the average at 9 1/2 inches, with fish up to 10 1/2″.

There were only 2 other boats in this small lake, and only saw one or two, quality Crappies caught. We didn’t really have the time to check any other bays out, but the fish seem to be available, and you just have to keep moving, and trying a few different presentations til you find them.

Get out there and give it a shot, and let us know how you do.


  1. We were also on Minnetonka Friday late afternoon and we also fished 61 degree water. We got crappies slowly but steadily, nothing over 10 inches except for the 21″ largemouth and the 32″ northern that both hit the same pale green crappie jig the panfish wanted. Main lake is mostly 55 degrees.

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