This past Monday, friend Mike and I headed back up to the Rainy River to see if the Sturgeon were still active. We were both there for the Sturgeon Excursion a week and a half ago, and really enjoyed the area, and the fight of these very strong fish. I was originally looking to go up last weekend, but the weather was not going to cooperate. (12″ plus new snow)
Arriving Monday afternoon we were greeted by clearing skies, and light winds, and that great weather held up thru our stay. We fished Monday afternoon, all of Tuesday and Wednesday, and left Thursday morning.
The water conditions did change from the Excursion weekend, that weekend we had 41 degrees, and clear but stained water. This trip the temps dropped down to 38, and was quite dirty with about 6 inches visibility. Brian said that the dirty water would not matter, and we hit the River with confidence and enthusiasm.
We did not have the number of bites we had during the Excursion, but the quality overall was better. We found our best depths to be 28 to 35 feet of water. The bites were very light, almost Bluegillish or less. What worked for our rigging was a fairly short leader length, about 10 inches and a 3/0 Circle Hook below a 3 oz no-roll sinker, and a wad of Nightcrawlers halves. All that is necessary with a bite is to just to pick up the rod, start to reel, and as the rod loads up, just do a medium rod sweep, and continue to reel. The Circle hooks are absolutely necessary to ENSURE that each fish is just hooked on the edge of the mouth, and are never hooked deeper than that. My big 59 had a doubled over monofilament leader coming out of it’s mouth tied to a swivel, then the heavier main line. I was able to reach into the mouth far enough and unhook the Kahle hook. Had it been a circle hook, it would have been in the lip.
For the 2 1/2 days of fishing we boated 21 Sturgeon. I just can not explain easily how so very strong these fish are, especially when they are 50 inches or over in length. When a fish gets under the boat, you just can NOT bring these fish up. I now know what Brian referred to as “the Sturgeon Dance”, you are pulled from one side of the boat to the other, the Fish leads you, and all you can do is follow them.
My best fish of the trip was a new Personnel Best of 59 1/2″ X 24 3/4″, that was right at 60 pounds, and was also a DNR tagged fish. This Sturgeon is the largest fresh water fish I’ve ever caught. I also had fish of 47, 46, 46, 44 1/2, 44. On Wednesday, Mike had 3 New Personnel Best fish IN A ROW, He started off with a 49 1/2, then a 54 X 23 1/2- 45 pounder, then finished the day with an awesome 55 1/2 X 23 1/2″-48 pounder. He also had great fish of 48, and 44. (for the weights, I used the DNR Length/Girth/Weight graph).
Thanks Mike for making the trip, it was very enjoyable, and am glad we stayed all of Wednesday. Four of our trips largest fish were caught on Wed.
click on photos to enlarge
Here are a few other pictures from our trip.

These are some of Mike’s best fish from our trip.

Mike, have your arms recovered YET?????
This nice couple from Virginia was next to us Wednesday afternoon and we very much enjoyed talking to them and watching them (wife) catch some BIG fish. This is the battle of her 54-55 inch fish. Great battle. Sure wish I could get my wife in my boat.

Congratulation you two…
Looks like a great time Jack. Good job.
Nice report and photos Jack!
Not too bad for your first year of sturgeon fishing!

Now wait till next year!
There is nothing like the Sturgeon Dance, where the sturgeon ALWAYS leads.
The last photo shows that there’s a lot of education left to be done.
I was surprise how many folks were holding large fish by the gill plates while we were up there. I have to admit, I’m not comfortable going up to someone I don’t know when they’re holding a sturgeon by the gills and try to explain that they aren’t helping the fish by placing all the weight in that area.
Well, this isn’t the place to go on about holding large fish.
Please note, I’m not bashing the Virgina folks, I’ve very certain they didn’t know…. or that sturgeon was heading to the smoker.
…and I can tell by the photo’s that she was having the time of her life!
Nice fish Jack & Mike.

I wish more people would use cicle hooks especially for live baiting rigging. Would sure eliminate much of the mortality rate.
Thanks for the 2 very memorable outings on the Rainy River,Jack…and for the detailed follow-up report! My arms & back are now back to normal, but I still have “rod-butt bruises” on my belly, from hauling those pre-historic monsters up from the deep! Can’t hardly wait, till next year…MikeyBoy
hi Mike,
Thanks for joining me on our first Sturgeon Excursion and also this trip. Am also glad to hear your arms are getting back to normal. I’ve got some pictures for you.
Congratulations on your First Post, and for joining the best Fishing Site for honest and friendly information.

See you soon.
Man that looks like fun Jack, thanks for the report
i was up there monday and tuesday also, we stayed at wigwam. there were 3 of us in a black 2010 pro guide. i think i remember seeing a lund fishing out by the launch when we came in on monday around 5:30. on monday we fished 4 mile bay and finished the day in the river in front of the sportsmans lodge. tuesday we drove up to clemenson and went up river from there. we ended up catching 14 with a 55 incher being the biggest. most fish were in the mid to high 40 inch range. the weather we good both days and we had fun………….tom fellegy
hi Tom,
the 2 of us, and the 3 of you, were the only folks at the resort.
wish the restaurant or the bar could have been opened so we would of had the chance to to bump into each other.
Attaboy Jack!