Pool 5 Backwater Panfish

The backwaters are starting to heat up – both in temperature and fish catching! With the switch to warmer water, the fish are starting to seek out dark bottom bays which will retain heat generated from the sunny warm days. The fish will also be relating to wood at this time as some protection from the predator fish like northerns and dogfish. The fish are also easy to find from shore at this time, so the boat stayed home today.

We found a spot which held fish near a beaver house. If you were more than just a few feet away from the wood, the fish would not come out to get the bait. If you got close to the wood, it was a bite every time. We caught and released well over 100 fish in just a couple hours, keeping enough for a nice meal.

Our best lure today was a mini-mite jig tipped with a waxie. The mini-mite was suspended about 15-18 inches under a bobber. Best color was dark purple body with a green chartreuse head. The fish would often hit the offering as soon as it hit the water, but if they didn’t hit it, a couple small twitches would entice a hit.

The wildlife were just as active as the fish. A pair of otters checked us out only 10 feet away. That was a big treat and the closest I have ever seen otters in the wild. The sand-hill cranes were flying around and making all sorts of noise. A dogfish entertained us by catching a couple bluegills in front of us as well. It was a great day to be out! Good company, good wildlife, and good fishing! It doesn’t get much better! Hope you all have a chance to get out fishing real soon!

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Been fishing Rochester and the surrounding area for 40+ years. I love all the lakes, rivers, and impoundments around Rochester, as well as pool 4 of the Mississippi.


  1. Mike makes no mention at all of some of the cargo he carries whilest fishing these critters. Darnedest piece of equipment I have ever seen. Foil wrapper yet.

    Commentary Mike?

  2. Quote:

    Mike makes no mention at all of some of the cargo he carries whilest fishing these critters. Darnedest piece of equipment I have ever seen. Foil wrapper yet.
    Commentary Mike?

    Let’s just say no comment, other than I expected to see BrianK somewhere……..

  3. “Let’s just say no comment, other than I expected to see BrianK somewhere……..”

    Yeeeeewwwww……that was an ugly mental image. But the package was marked “small”.

  4. Mike,

    Awesome crappie! It’s good to see everything ligthing-up. I’m looking forward to the next few weeks


  5. Yes….spring is here. Time to catch some crappies and bullgills along with some walleyes too. The fish are hungry like Mike’s report just proved. Something tells me its time to get busy fishin whether it be in the boat or from shore. This is what we have all waited for all winter long. Full speed ahead.
    Thanks, Bill

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